This is the Message Centre for Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

Hi Lucy

Post 1


Hi Lucy!

Hi Lucy

Post 2

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

Huh? Oh me! smiley - winkeye Not used to being called Lucy.

Thanks for the visit - What brings you by?

Hi Lucy

Post 3


Oh, usually how do we call you online! Me I'm at my place of work and as I have nothing to do I just enter online to find someone to chat with!!!!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - love

Hi Lucy

Post 4


Hismiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerup

Oh you can call me David!
Me I'm at my place of work and when I have a little time for me I get online too to chat a bit!!!

Make me a sign when you're online, till then big kisssmiley - smooch
Davidsmiley - cool

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