This is the Message Centre for Thedistrictbrat


Post 1


well its been a few days now on here and im working my way round and finding some interesting stuff!!smiley - aliensmile

and it looks like more and more l.d refugees are floating through the door smiley - cdouble

will the system ever improve????smiley - zzz

probably not!!smiley - doh


Post 2


hey bro..... its BIORT here lmao.... not a bloody clue what im doin but ill find out lmao.... later pal


Post 3


allo gaz ive replied to ya on buttons page as wellsmiley - ok

youll get the hang of itsmiley - aliensmile

now climb back in ya bucket ya fsmiley - bleepking biort

lmfsaosajsmiley - nahnah


Post 4


i have spent hours in here so i think bob will change to BRAINS.the.SLOB trying to work out how to cut and paste might see you on ld some time


Post 5


di i think your better off getting poor bob a playstation to keep him amusedsmiley - nahnah

coz his hopeless with a puter!!!smiley - biggrin

lmfaosmiley - aliensmile


Post 6


smiley - sharksmiley - pirate choke on yer smiley - burger yer smiley - bat finked smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep you made di
smiley - wah with smiley - laugh now ......bob


Post 7



BOB you iz a big round shiny bell end!!!!smiley - nahnah

hee hee

smiley - martiansmile


Post 8


smiley - biggrin im so smiley - bruised from l/d that its left smiley - footprints all over my black and smiley - blue body.smiley - huh now smiley - headhurts perhaps i have been smiley - online2long.i know its smiley - silly but what i need nowperhaps is smiley - cappuccino and a smiley - cupcake or even smiley - tea and smiley - cake as a smiley - hotdog and smiley - strawberries for afters would make me smiley - ill it would be smiley - wizard to stay but i got to smiley - run as smiley - yawn i feel so smiley - sleepy now.smiley - wah wheres mysmiley - rocket to the smiley - moon im smiley - cdouble now so im off to bed.smiley - cheers you smiley - devil if there is a smiley - ghost of a chance,and im not smiley - ale of my smiley - skull see you soon smiley - nahnah y ou smiley - weirdsmiley - monstersmiley - zoom im smiley - zzz

duck ,


Post 9


duck: smiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - tennisballsmiley - nahnahsmiley - nahnah


Post 10



can you repeat that i cant understand brail!!smiley - biggrin

hee heesmiley - martiansmile


Post 11

..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150

Me thinks perhaps Bob's found the smiley pages!!!! lmfao - oh what a smiley - clown "WEG" smiley - biggrin

Reckon we should play smiley - racket1 with his smiley - tennisball!!!! lol


Post 12

Ian M

hi i am new to this aswell,i,m also trying to figure out what i,m doing on here LOL i am also from LD thought i would say hi m8

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