This is the Message Centre for Dave Lister

Smeg off

Post 1

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Hello listy, long time no see.

Smeg off

Post 2

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Anyhoo, I'm an ACE here and thats means I'm going to great you welcome to this place, so...
Nghhh-welcome, there, happy?
Now excuse me I have to go, if you want something just hit the reply button.
*Loooooooooooong Rimmer-salut.

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 3

Dave Lister

Ah Smeg Rimmer.....your light drive would have to pack it in just as I was gonna eat my bananas and wheres that Kristian Kachanczki disc goalpost head?? lol

Good 2 see another dwarfie here...ACE.RIMMER...god we're

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 4

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 5

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Well, u can laugh all u want but at least I'm going places, up,up the ziggurat lickety-split.

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 6

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - laugh

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 7

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Oi, smeghead, why don't u check out a thread on my personal space, DWAYNE DIBLEY its called

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 8

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 9

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I'm erm- subscribed?

Unless you mean Lister

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 10

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I meant Listy that smeghead!

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 11

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - blushsmiley - ok

Sorry- got a bit carried awaysmiley - winkeye

Crichton...WOT the SMEG is going ON???

Post 12

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Listy-u back!

Smeg off

Post 13


Sorry sirs, just cleaning up a bit! smiley - smiley

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