A Conversation for The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets
Writing Workshop: A776568 - The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets
Jenny_Tablina Started conversation Apr 18, 2003
Entry: The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets - A776568
Author: Jenny_Tablina - U197495
This entry is almost there, just need to iron out a few errors and flaws
A776568 - The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets
Danny B Posted Apr 20, 2003
Well, I've never played the game, but I do know that Sonic is probably the only computer game character to have a gene named after him (A616051). Not sure how that quite fits in with your article though...
A776568 - The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets
Z Posted Jul 30, 2003
Well it's a good entry, it's just a shame that the authour hasn't posted for a while so I think we'll have to send it to the FM
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Writing Workshop: A776568 - The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets
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