A Conversation for Liar Paradox

Liar Paradox

Post 1


Does it also not depend on whether the potential liar is wearing a hairpiece or not?

Liar Paradox

Post 2


What if he says that he isn't? Or that he is?

Liar Paradox

Post 3


Then he's probably lying

Liar Paradox

Post 4


But he might not be....
I don't think we're going to resolve this one in a hurry!

Liar Paradox

Post 5


Perhaps our minds are too highly trained

Liar Paradox

Post 6


Your mind maybe.
My mind is lying to me. It tells me it likes cheese, when I know I don't like cheese. Therefore, it is not trained in the art of telling the truth. Aha!

Liar Paradox

Post 7


Mine just keeps telling me to drink beer, odd that, must be a highly trained stunt mind

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