This is the Message Centre for Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

What is the point of MEN???

Post 21

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Aaaaah. It's very traditional; where do you live?

What is the point of MEN???

Post 22


South Wales ~ Beer, Rugby and Male Voice Choirs is the tradition around here.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)

What is the point of MEN???

Post 23

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Aaaah yes, I know it well. Hmm, well, at least you can consider yourself a mould-breaker.

What is the point of MEN???

Post 24


Oh and I don't smoke or go out to ihe pub.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)

What is the point of MEN???

Post 25

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

This really is freaky. Do you wear clean socks? Are you capable of telling clean jokes? Are you closer to your friends than your wife?

What is the point of MEN???

Post 26


I try not to wear socks if I can help it. I never tell dirty jokes. My wife was 14 when we started going out together, thats 40 years ago.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)

What is the point of MEN???

Post 27

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Wow! You know how weird that sounds to a 15 year old?

What is the point of MEN???

Post 28

geena the party girl(owlatrons thundercat)

to answer your question .what is the point of men ?
you'll find out when your older and much wiser ! so don't be in arush to grow up


What is the point of MEN???

Post 29

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

I won't be. Thanks for the advice. Besides, I am Sunita Pan!

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 30


is that the female version of peter pan smiley - laugh

oops sorry for butting in

andy smiley - bat

What is the point of MEN???

Post 31

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Of course *giggles at own insanity.* No probs.

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 32


so how ru sunita pan smiley - laugh

andysmiley - bat

What is the point of MEN???

Post 33

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Um, I haven't got that far yet. Nuclear leak? Mix-up in a lab? What do you think?

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 34



andysmiley - bat

btw logging off now c u 2morrow if ur online

What is the point of MEN???

Post 35

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

I like to think I'm just special!

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 36


oooh very specialsmiley - laugh

andysmiley - bat

What is the point of MEN???

Post 37

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

You'd better believe it (I dislike those sarcastic undertones immensely).

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 38


i'm not being sarcastic smiley - grovel

andysmiley - bat

What is the point of MEN???

Post 39

Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.

Ooooh, then you're a very nice *or horribly deceived* person! smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

What is the point of MEN???

Post 40


lolsmiley - laugh

andysmiley - bat

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What is the point of MEN???

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