
War and Militarism
I've spent so long doing activism; yet I never thought to introduce anything political to this page (hosted by the BBC, how ironic). Even as I write this (June 10th, 2003) three Palestinians have been killed and thirty more have been injured. How long can this violence last? It's time that the people unite against the brutal regimes which prevent peace and enforce corrupt values.All those who are interested should consider attending Marxism 2003 in Central London. We've all got questions. Together we've got answers.
It's too late to sit on the fence. You're either part of the movement or you're a barrier to its progress. Equality and freedom forever!

Where are the WMDs?
Iraq was not a war about WMDs, it wasn't even a war wholly about oil. There are far more hidden agendas behind the conflict. The rise of neo-liberalism has lead to some worrying trends with regard to large industries.Although the big oil companies make an awful lot of money; they are not fully in control of the profit they make. This is because the production of oil is still reliant on cartels in individual states. This could all be about to change in Iraq.
The occupied land of Iraq could soon see its oil production privatised 'for their own good.' This privatisation would undoubtedly lead to American companies making huge profits at the expense of the Iraqi people.
The large oil companies are hoping that privatisation in Iraq will spread to other nations; and allow them to be completely in control of oil production and supply.
Many anti-globalisation and anti-capitalist activists are furious. The chances of WMD being found in Iraq are now virtually nil (unless one of the coalition governments 'plants' them in order to end the scepticism now shown about the cause of conflict). This must lead us to wonder what the actual reason for conflict was.

No future, no future, no future for you!
Furthermore, I oppose the gains made by the B.N.P. in recent local elections. They gained a large amount of their votes from people who are disillusioned with the current 'mainstream' parties; whilst I can see that people could be looking for an alternative, surely there aren't too many people who would want to see Griffin with any real power?
We want Angus Deayton back!!!

So, if I haven't scared you too much with that...
Let's hear about some of my other obsessions! (I should warn you, this may get scary)
I love:
Dr. Hannibal Lecter,Anthony Hopkins,
Baileys ice cream,
Sarcasm and irony,
Carol Ann Duffy,
Andrea Bocelli,
Receiving 'snail' mail,
The smell of old books,
Watching children read,
Seeing something that reminds you of a pleasant experience you can't *quite* remember,
Danse Macabre,
Knowing someone so well you can predict their speech,
Confusing those who think they know you,
Things that make you shiver or ache, in a 'nice' (I hate that word) way,
Monty Python.

I hate:

Toilet 'humour,'
Being forced to be in a given place at a given time,
Losing my individuality,
Bland words (ie, good, nice and big),
People who don't read or learn from history.

I enjoy:

Painting and sketching,
Writing poetry,

Favourite authors:

Jane Austen,
The Bronte sisters,
Oscar Wilde,
Carol Ann Duffy,
That is an extremely small selection. There are many authors that I adore. However, I am now getting very tired.

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Is this thing on? How do i turn this on? | May 10, 2003 |
Hello | Apr 29, 2003 |
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Hullo | Nov 22, 2002 |
hola loobylane incognito is here | Sep 16, 2002 |
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im back | No Posting | Feb 10, 2011 |
Scorpio | Aug 10, 2002 | Aug 10, 2007 |
owlys off on his yet again | No Posting | Jul 9, 2007 |
been a while | No Posting | Jun 18, 2007 |
owlys sorry | No Posting | Sep 23, 2005 |
Loobylane (Owlatron's thundercats) - Nothing ever burns down by itself; every fire needs a little bit of help.
Researcher U196860
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