A Conversation for Pillows.

I do

Post 1


I love pillows too. Big ones, small ones, pillows for your bed, pillows for your couch, or just a pile of pillows in the corner; I love them all.

One of my friends has a huge pile of pillows in a corner, they were great to sit on. A while ago, when my friends and I used to toke, (and we were at my friends house that had the pile of pillows) we would go down to basement, I would lay back in the pile of pillows and we would buzz out down there for hours. There wasn't anything much better than being in cool basement on a hot summer day sitting more comfortable then ever, laughing with my friends. Those were the best sits I ever had.

I got a pillow last Christmas. I love that one too. It's the best pillow I've ever had. I sleep on it every night I can.

I do

Post 2


Bonsai, Pillows are the greatest!!! (towels can double for pillows i recall)
My parents have 10 amazingly huge pillows in my squishy living room( nice bright trippy colors) When they go away i like to bring my matress in the living room and use all those pillows for my bong hit parties. All went well until the evilist thing happened. CAN YOU GUESS?? We spilled the bong water all over the pillows and my matress. Bong water is one of the hardest scents to get rid of! So evil!! To this day 2 of the pillows and my matress smells like 2 month old bongwater!
I think every person who smokes, should use the pillow approach, maybe ill write that in. The cool basement full of pillows idea sounds wonderful. Smokers are the most innovative people in the world!!

I do

Post 3


Two month old bong water, that's got to suck. I feel sorry for you. I recently wrecked up my parents home. They just retired at the beginning of the year and were away for three months. My sister and me had a few parties. A few things got wrecked, the worst were cigarette burns in the couch and the kitchen floor. The rest of the house wasn't really too bad. The worst was when they came home though. They said they were going to home Saturday night and they ended up getting home Friday afternoon. We were in the middle of cleaning up when they walked in the door. There were still a few cases of empties and some empty bottles of booze there. We got hell for that, but I think all the parties were worth it. I'm still hearing about it. I think I'll probably be hearing about it for quite a while. Oh, you'll be glad to know that no pillows were harmed during the parties. =)

I do state i am happy no pillow were harmed.

Post 4


ahh, parties are almost always worth it. A few months a go my pink velux blanket, my most prized possession in the world got vomited on. That party was NOT worth it. Nope. not at all. Ah, but we are only young once, we must raise as much hell as possible before we go there.

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