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EE: forging a new community
Existential Elevator Started conversation Feb 12, 2009
How about that, as soon as I sit back and think it's time to re-build my hootoo life, another opportunity comes knocking?
Now, I don't know how many of you guys read webcomics. But a while ago, as I was reading asofterworld, I stumbled upon the Bitter pen [ ] and enjoyed it so much I sent its creator, Brian, a nice e-mail.
He recently thought it was time to add a forum to the comic, and asked me if I'd like to look after it for him, and so I am! It's in very early days, but if you drop by, and decide you like the comic, I'd love to see any of you guys join in the new community.
Otherwise, I hope everyone else is doing well, and I'm sorry for being so absent!
EE: forging a new community
Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups Posted Feb 12, 2009
Hi EE I'm pleased that you have found happiness but how could you away from h2g2!!!
Well if you ever are at a loose end and fancy doing something for regards cartoons I'm sure they'd
Take care
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EE: forging a new community
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