This is the Message Centre for Existential Elevator

EE: This space for rent

Post 1

Existential Elevator

I'm overhauling my userspace. Have a look. See if /you/ can quote me smiley - winkeye

Anywho; I've not been around much, and I won't be around much 'till after February.

Long story, won't bore you.

Will updade U-Page and FREAKs when time is available.

Hope you're all well.

smiley - peacesign

EE: This space for rent

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Hi cutEE

I am doing smiley - ok

EE: This space for rent

Post 3


Take care EE, keep juggling those poodles. smiley - ok

EE: This space for rent

Post 4


hope your ok hin??

andysmiley - bat

EE: This space for rent

Post 5

Existential Elevator

Howdy all

I'm fine, you guys doing alright?

I take it none of you want to say something amusing about me so that I can put it on my U-Space...smiley - winkeye

EE: This space for rent

Post 6


Hey, haven't been on h2g2 for a while... haven't seen you on messenger much either, everything O.k (yes, yes, I know, there's absolutely no- need, but when you aren't online 24/7 everyone assumes something bad's happened. Maybe you've just found a life smiley - winkeye)?

You want a quote?

"Existential Elevator? I always remember this one time when she... oh. Less said about the chicken and the length of rubber piping the better, I think."


"Fruity, flavourful and well fermented with a heady aroma, the perfect thing for cold winter nights or a visit to an aging senile aunt who doesn't like tulips."

Sorry, but I don't know you that well smiley - smiley

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 7

Existential Elevator

Hmm.... I like that first one smiley - smileysmiley - rofl

Something has happened. A bloody new geography teacher. And illness. Not a good combination.

Ah well, thanks for the quote smiley - smileysmiley - ok

EE: This space for rent

Post 8


I preferred the second.... same old story smiley - smiley

I hope your new geography teacher grows on you (not in a literal way- that would be disturbing).

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 9

Existential Elevator

*Tries not to think of aforementioned disturbingness*

smiley - musicalnote you're really growing on meeeeeeeee smiley - musicalnote

EE: This space for rent

Post 10


Hi EE how you doing, how are the kidneys, how is the identity crisis?


EE: This space for rent

Post 11


Maybe would be a little better if he/she were to grow somewhere to the left of you, rather than on you- could be a little stifling.

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 12

Existential Elevator

TB- It would just be stifling in general... we all need someone to hate smiley - winkeye

Alex O - Thanks for asking.... turns out it wasn't the kidneys and basically none of the doctors in my local area have a clue what it is. Joy. Identity crisis? Me? smiley - angel

EE: This space for rent

Post 13


True, and I always found geography teachers a good receptor for any excess hate.

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 14

Existential Elevator

On the geography teacher situation.. He now has hair and looks less like...erm... a bald git. But he definitely hates me. He was in great pain when he had to tell me what I got for my coursework smiley - evilgrin

EE: This space for rent

Post 15


I assume it was a good result, then?

Always a good way to piss them off, and geography's not the most difficult of subjects (I don't mean to de-importantise your mark in any way), and geography teachers tend to have an over-inflated view of their own subject (and themselves).

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 16

Existential Elevator

Aye, it was good, but I won't know the real mark untill it gets moderated...

I do love annoying people who deserve it. Geography is rather easy smiley - smiley

EE: This space for rent

Post 17


Unless there was some major mistake in the original marking, I doubt the moderated mark will be much different.

I always found geography insanely easy, yet I still don't ever know where anything is. I'm apalling at capital cities of countries, and have a very hard time getting my head around the locations of some pretty major countries themselves. :-s

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 18

Existential Elevator


I do have issues with capitals, but erm... I do know where the major countries are smiley - weird

EE: This space for rent

Post 19


I know where England, America, France and Germany are, obviously. When I say "major" I'm really meaning "not so major as the obvious ones".

Just so long as there's a hairdresser's with a stock cupboard, I'm happy

TKsmiley - pirate

EE: This space for rent

Post 20

Existential Elevator


Wouldn't you prefer a nice fast food joint with a stock cupboard?

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