This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Wednesday 26th july 2005

Post 1


smiley - disco
Well It's the school holiday's and all them kids are off
and the weather here in liverpool can't make up it's mind it's either cold warm hot or raining bucket's
oh well i'm just moaning as i hate it when the kids are off there better off in school out of ""Trouble""
smiley - smiley
me and andrew are going on lots of day's out next mnth thats if i behave yeah right!!!!!! the other night andrew said i sound like Tracie barlow out of corrie i said yeah yeah whatever i'll get my own back by not washing his cloths and underwear lol smiley - biggrin
at the moment he acting like a right smiley - monster
Doing me Head in smiley - dohsmiley - doh
his sister reckons it's his time the month Thats just a exscuse!
andrew can't pull thesmiley - sheepover my eyes i know him too well and i know when he blinks he telling me smiley - bleeps
Why do men act like Children all the time sulk when they can't get there own waysmiley - huh
and he says us Women nag it's men who nag smiley - steamand my Mans one of those mensmiley - laughs
enough of me going on about my man i sound like me mother lol.
So whats all me friends been up2 this month i've not spoken to meny in ages smiley - sadfaceonly a few here's my newe email address if anyone wants to get in Touch It's [email protected] i've not changed my surname on my email addy yet as it winds my man up i use it as a secret weapon lolsmiley - cool
so if you wanna ta have a natter or wanna hear the latest goss them email me on the above addy or you can leave me a message at the bottom
after the Tonesmiley - bleep
smiley - biggrin
smiley - disco

Wednesday 26th july 2005

Post 2


hey cus
swampy won't hassle you again ok girl
i've sorted it and some one we know know's his new research name me but no tell you as i watching him cry like little baba

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