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What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2
*Princess*of*Hearts* Started conversation Feb 8, 2008
Hi everyone
I've been a very buisy woman, I've not been on in ages to see you all, I've had family related issues to sort out and my life has been one long haul.
I had fantastic christmas and new year 2008 my life has realy changed i turned 30 before christmas and i've been spending time with my brother and my family in wales, and spending time with andrew
Been going alot of places out and about as i call it buying endless bags and shoes to go with my collection i have over 200 pairs of boots and shoes now 300 s i love shopping
can't not go shopping without buying another style of this season,
My lady is nearly 7 can't believe thats flown over it seems only yesterday that she was my puppy.
I am realy go to find it hard this year without mum being here for mother's day the day she died is still a raw feeling inside my but i know she's an
in heaven looking, down on me and she always be with me it realy hard when people and family talk about her.... i could not of got over her death without the help and love and support from andrew and my brother edds and all my family in wales who gave me all the love and support i needed.
I am so proud of edds since move to Penn in wales he's a changed lad got himself a job and doing full time at Tech got himself some true mates too!
Another Valentines day is around the corner so here's my little gift of s and
s for all those special people out there HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL MY FRIENDS on h2g2 and facebook and all my old LD friends i hope you get plenty of
through your door
I've nearly finished just to let you all know i've missed your company and all the nice people on this site.
Thats it for now unless i decide to add more to this diary or journal later on in conversations................
It's good to be back with you all
What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2
Simetra Posted Feb 8, 2008
Hi Hilary, nice to see you back, did wonder if you where OK, but life tends to take over sometimes, I think all will be pleased with your return.....our friend bunnyfrog by the way is still AWOL, he did a tour of China then posted only a few times when he came back.
What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Feb 8, 2008
Hiya sim
Yes Life is so complicated i've been visiting other sites as well trying to stay in contact with old lds friends jarve made me a officer on the leisure district apprecation society on facebook I'm well chuffed as it's something i've always wanted to do is be a officer on a site
Never mind eh i'm sure mr will be fine were ever he may be besides theres more
in the sea who like make friends with me his loss our gain as i see it....
so what you been upto since we last chatted?
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What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2
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