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My Diary
*Princess*of*Hearts* Started conversation Jul 18, 2007
On the 13th june i lost my bestfriend that was my mum, she'd battled with advanced MS for 25 years and i am in total shock, I am so proud of mum battle with her illness for years not one complaint not one sorrow not even angry with anyone, my mum was very lovely woman who loved life loved her children and Husband and, is now a in Heaven with dad i hope.
I miss her every day i miss talking to her. i am numb from inside can't stop thinking about my mum it's if a part of me is missing,
so if i am off hand with anyone online please exscuse my behaviour as i am lost inside this big black cloud of greif and can't seem to get out as i've lost mum the person who gave me life and it's going to take time for me to get over this ok
My Diary
daffodilgold Posted Jul 18, 2007
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my Dad some years ago, and can still remember the physical pain of my grief.Even now I can be brought to tears as an unexpected memory surfaces, and so I know that words won't help. But know that you are not alone and that my thoughts are with you. All the best,
My Diary
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Jul 18, 2007
Thankyou Daffodill it's very hard to get over i know what you mean i lost my dad 7 years ago and now mum gone and i am a orphan, it go take a while to get over this as i was very close to mum and dad memories set me off too!
My Diary
Simetra Posted Jul 19, 2007
Hi Hilary
Very sorry to hear so your sad loss, all your friends are here on to give you support and help.
My Diary
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Jul 24, 2007
Thanks to you all, when i feel better i will be me again at moment i'm up the wall with private home life i can't eat or sleep i'm narky at family i feel though i'm trapped inside this dark cloud and can't get out, been told it's natural to feel this way after the death of a loved one time a great healer so i'm take each day as it comes.
My Diary
daffodilgold Posted Jul 24, 2007
If you are able to Princess, try to get out of the house for an hour each day. Preferably alone. Walk in the fresh air or sit on a park bench, and think of your happiest memories. You will feel much more at peace within yourself.
Daffodilgold xxx
My Diary
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Jul 28, 2007
Thanks for the advice daffodilgold
I've been doing my garden to take my mind off things everytime i try plant my bush the weather is a down pour
but i got most it done this morning.
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My Diary
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