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Me and my hair treatment

Post 1


Today had my hair done and i've had my roots re-done blonde and i've had 12 slices of dark red put in plus Hair exstentions added and i've had the full works and it cost me £150 and people are moaning smiley - silly i know Whats wrong with Treating my self i say life is to have fun and have as meny treats as possible and andy knows i love shopping and make my self look prettysmiley - diva
Ok £150 alot money i know but the products the salon uses are exspensive and my hairdresser is the best i won't have any other stylist touch my hair. Today i also donated £10 to Red nose day wich was included in the price of Todays Treat.

I bet some my friends on here love treating them selfs to exspensive
Things each month don't you even if you think the money being wasted
it not realy as your helping keeping people in jobs when you buy clothes ect.

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Me and my hair treatment

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