This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*


Post 1


smiley - disco
smiley - holly
To all My friends and Family memebers thatsmiley - holly
Come on This Site I'd like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas
I hope you all been good girl's and Boy's
andsmiley - santa good to you allsmiley - biggrin Getsmiley - drunkonsmiley - bubbly
and eat loads ofsmiley - cakesmiley - drool
Hope 2007 bring's alot of joy for you (All).
smiley - disco


Post 2


Hi princes, thank for your Christmas Greetings, hope you too have a very Merry Christmas and a Lovely New Year, look forward to exciting postings in the months to comesmiley - bubblysmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly


Post 3


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. xxxx.


Post 4


Thanks for replying smiley - sorry this a rather late getting back to you,
I've been buisy buisy smiley - run off my feet ect.

How are you both what did santa bring you both?

Princess smiley - fairy


Post 5


Hi Princess, had a good break, got the usual things, hankies, jumpers, books and chocolate money smiley - biggrinbut the best thing was a DAB Walkman Radio which I can use when taking the dog for a walk. Was Santa kind to you.



Post 6


Hi Elsimsin
Yeah Santa was real good i got homemade gardi's and bath (smellys)
and andy bought me a a nintendo ds game which keeps me buisy from
eating as i'm on a strict diet this yearsmiley - smiley.

I got a new mp3 player and 2 coffee froffs among other things off family and friends it was a good christmas this year as i spent it in wales with my family.

Princesssmiley - fairy


Post 7


Very nice, I like Wales, can see it across the Dee (North Wales that is) from where we walk the dog, not really got into the Games thing, it seemed to pass be by after Space Invaders during the early 80s. Good luck with the diet, make sure you excercise as well it tones up the bits that are left when you loose the weight LOL



Post 8


Hi Elsi

Yeah I walk everywhere i started back at the gym and go the baths twice a week I'm detox my body at the moment only allowed to drink water and eat fruit and veg for a month it be worth it when all the toxic stuff out my body lolsmiley - smiley

How are you today?

Princesssmiley - fairy


Post 9


Superfine, just got back from my Yoga class, quite a few needed easing into the New Year so went for long relax stretches, enjoyed getting back to practice


Post 10


Hi Elsi

I was Thinking about joining Ti Chi as that's supose make you feel
realy relaxed i might try it out and see i went few yoga classes last year it didn't realy do much for me except i started to drink fruit tea's alot nowsmiley - smiley

Princesssmiley - fairy


Post 11


hi Princess

Don't give up on Yoga, just find the right teacher, some can be a bit airy fairy, you need someone you understand body structure and guides you within you own limits.
Tai Chi is very good, but again only if you find a teacher that really knows their stuff which more than just moving your hands and body around slowly.

Sim (or Elsi)


Post 12


Hiya elsi.

Yes i will find a good teacher it make me more relaxed as i am buisy all the time and i get realy stress out,

I'll give yoga another try i'll find someone thats good.

how was your day?

Princess p.s you can call me hilary most my friend's dosmiley - smiley


Post 13


Hi Hilary

Been a good day, sorted out some jobs to do in the coming weeks, off to Kendal tomorrow to do some work.

Not done any Tai Chi except for some trial lessons but I have been practising Karate since the 70's that tends to keep me fit along with the Yoga that keeps me on balance



Post 14


I've tried alot thing's in my life it might make me feel lighter inside and out.

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