This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

I'm Happy

Post 1


I Just Wanted To Let All My Friend's Know I'm Happy And I Just Wanted To Say Without You My Friend's I'd be
smiley - sadfacesmiley - bluesmiley - wah
But I'm Now smiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley
Thankyou For Being such Lovely Friend's To Me And I smiley - loveYou All
To Andy Known as November_Rain
Just wanted to say Thankyou for all your Advice And For Being My BestFriendsmiley - hugs
smiley - peacesign

I'm Happy

Post 2


now im andy owlatronsmiley - laugh

I'm Happy

Post 3


Yes I Know Your Andysmiley - bat
I've another Bestfriend Named Andysmiley - elf
I've known him years now
You are mentioned in with my friend's
aswell Soz if you felt left outsmiley - ok
smiley - hug

I'm Happy

Post 4


im only jokin hun

andysmiley - bat

I'm Happy

Post 5


smiley - tongueoutI know lol

I'm Happy

Post 6


im just a wee smiley - jester

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