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*Arent Male Family Members Daft*

Post 1


I Was Reading An Artical To My Cousin Jamiesmiley - biggrinWhich Advised People Who Suffer From Eczema to try cutting out Cows smiley - milkProducts From There Diet's. Being a Sufferer Myself, I said I'd Like To Give It a Go. On Hearing This My Cousin Jamie Remarked But You Love smiley - milk, Butter And Eggs,
I'd Like To See What Kind Of Cows He Ws Talking About I didn't Know Cows Could Lay Eggssmiley - laughs
Have you any Daft Male Family Members
I Think Half The Male Population Are Daft anywaysmiley - rofl

*Arent Male Family Members Daft*

Post 2


my cousin jamie thinks ham comes from a smiley - sheeplol

*Arent Male Family Members Daft*

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

cows smiley - milk is more complicated bcause all the stomachs.
goats smiley - milkis here big thing.

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