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*Sugar poem*

Post 1


I go dizzy in the morning if i eat too much sugar, I go dizzy after my lunch I go dizzy after my Dinner And if I don't watch my blood level, I sometimessmiley - cdouble And end up on the floor,If I have My Insulin Then I feel Fine.
smiley - biggrin

*Sugar poem*

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

becarefull friend...I am just used to you smiley - winkeye

*Sugar poem*

Post 3


Hi Hilary smiley - love

I know what you are going through, cos i have a friend called Faye that has it.
Be safe smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Hi Pheloxi

I will message you on the nutter page now smiley - ok
smiley - love > xx*NATS*xx

*Sugar poem*

Post 4


smiley - hugs smiley - biggrin

*Sugar poem*

Post 5


Hiya Hilary

smiley - hugs and smiley - biggrin . back at ya.
Have you been the Strand lately?
The reason i ask is, have you seen the Big Father Christmas outside TJ Hughes's?
I was there the other day, and some of the little ones were running away from it Scared out of their witts.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

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