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The Tail,

Post 1


There was a shepherd once who went out to the hill to look after his smiley - sheep. It was misty and cold, and he had much trouble to find them,At last he had them all but one; and after much searching he found that one too in a peat hag,half drowned, so he took off his plaid, and bent down and took hold of thesmiley - sheep's tail, and he pulled! The smiley - sheepwas heavy with water, and he could not lift her, so he took off his coat and he pulled, But it was too much for him, so he SPIT on his hands, and he took hold of the tail and he PULLED,
And the tail broke' And if it had not been for that this story tale would have been a great deal longer.

By HilaryMarie

The Tail,

Post 2


Bahsmiley - sheep

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