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New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 21


Hilary n Nats smiley - smiley

I have no heating stupid meter ran outta gas smiley - roflsmiley - brr its flippin colder in house than outside LOL

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 22

COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine

smiley - sorry ladies but i can only keep one at a time warm tonight so it will have to be Trish..smiley - kisssmiley - hug

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 23


Oh dear you have had a bad day then.
Well i have had another day of decorcorating, and now i am so exhausted smiley - zzz but only in body lol smiley - smiley
xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 24


mmmmmmm smiley - blush im so pleased u chose me Marc smiley - hug im warmer already just thinking bout ya smiley - kisssmiley - love Trish

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 25


Nats well i been babysabysitting so got a warm up there LOL where u decorating ?

Trish xxx

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 26


Trish, i, have been doing my living room, well more by my brother and my ex sis-in-law.
I haven't done baby sitting in years, and i don't think that i will ever do again smiley - wah

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 27

COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine

Errm Trish, Nats wasn`t `t this supposed to be a quithread and we are turning it into a conversation is ts there anywhere else we can all chat
Tea shoppe maybe?? or just create a thread..Don`t w`t want to spoil hilarys (is it Hilary?) thread..

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 28


I see what you you mean Trish, so i will go into your space and start one smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 29


Hey nat's why don't you start our convos on my page

Marc i don't mind about them talking
on my quiz it seems me friends want a natter lol

Marc you don't need to keep me warm i've got my jason to keep me warm

Nats did i tell you i might be moving to be with jason we waiting on a house and i got to send my furnture back now get a re-fund

I've never been so happy in my life

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 30


Hiya Hilary

smiley - sorry for the delay, but my keyboard is playing up smiley - grr
I have also been catching up on my threads too smiley - smiley
I was up your at your end lastnight, in Bedford road at my brothers.
We had been to a concert in the Philamonic Hall, we went to see Charlie Landsborough have you ever heard off him?
Well that is happy news hun, i am very happy for you smiley - smiley
I have made a thread for us, which you haven't replied to yet hun.
Anyway if you are there, i will say cheerio for now cos i will be going the strand soon.
I am just going to get wrapped up first, cos it is bitterly cold smiley - blue
Catch you later smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

New Game about Music 60's 70's 80's 90's

Post 31


How are you
wheres this thread on your page I can't seem to find it smiley - doh

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