This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

A Little bit of fun

Post 1


Hey Diddle Diddle the smiley - cathad a Fiddle the cow jumped over thesmiley - moonthe littlesmiley - doglaughed so much he ranaway with my spoon,
Don't worry i've not gone mad I'm in a cheerful mood
smiley - rofl

A Little bit of fun

Post 2


you are in a cheerful mood aint ya
LOL do ya know what the time is

A Little bit of fun

Post 3


smiley - ermThe Time is 12;30am In the morning i can smiley - cdoubleI've had one of those day's You know when family come and they annoy you so much you feel like smiley - grrat them,
Yeah i in a smiley - cheerupmood
Here's another little rym

Jack n jill went up the airy jack pulled out a smiley - fish
Jill saw it and smiley - run away cos
jack stank to high heaven,

smiley - biggrin

well laugh I'm the comic in my family

Nice meet you by the way

A Little bit of fun

Post 4


Hi Hilary

I guess you have met dad then smiley - smiley
What have you been up to today, cos i havn't seen you all day.
Have you seen my poem by the way, it's called Three Sisters.
I hope that you like it smiley - smiley

A Little bit of fun

Post 5


Hiya nat
I've been at my mums today
You know who still wont leave me alone
I'm fine not done much but worry over my mum as she Has MS she bin in a wheelchair for 16 years n she went this respite place to put weight on she came back even skinny i know sumthin is up i out my mind with worry.

A Little bit of fun

Post 6


Try not to worry hun, she might pick up you never know.
Try to ignore the person who is harrassing you, cos he is not worth it.
I have been upset today, and i don't know why smiley - blue
I am alright now though thank goodness smiley - smiley

A Little bit of fun

Post 7


yep i know what you mean yep pleased
to meet ya

A Little bit of fun

Post 8


Hiya Dad

smiley - sorry for the delay getting back to you, but i have been getting my flat decorated aswell as catching up.
How are you, i hope you and our Aaron are smiley - ok
Speak soon, and take care.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel
smiley - crackersmiley - angelsmiley - holly

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