This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Started conversation Nov 19, 2003
Hello all i'm back Oh thankyou anthony for looking after my thing's
heres a and for those i left out Have a
on me
I'm back boys and girls
november_rain Posted Nov 19, 2003
hiya hilary hows things with u?
chat later
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 19, 2003
andy i email you i need private word with you oh when you next got time off will you come to a antique show i gonner bid on some ornoments for my mum plus i selling a dinner plate its 1890s royal albert its worth 13 thousand i shud get well more for it i just need some1 with common sense with me you know what i like i spend spend spend did you find out how much HSBC wanted to open an account TSB want 200 plus 9 I'D i aint got 9 things with my name on.
I'm back boys and girls
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 20, 2003
Hi Hilary
Phil is at it again, he thinks that i am you yet again.
How are you anyway, i hope you are well.
< xx*NATS*xxxx
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 20, 2003
Take No Notice We All Know you cannot have more than 1 name to The same email address now It's all changed Take No Notice Would you Like me to have a word Anyway Hows things with you i'm fine i've finaly found mr right after all the bad nasty wasps i attract lol You looking forward to christmas I am
tell him to read the New rules It Or better Still ignore him,
Take care
spk soon
I'm back boys and girls
november_rain Posted Nov 21, 2003
hiya hil soz i don't know when i'll have time off due 2 xmas fast approaching, where is this auction going 2 be held then? yeah i know wot u r like with money shame it's not me your'e spending it on though lol only joking lol. i've opened a isa and only needed a few things with my name on them one was a passport so that should help u if u want a isa as your would have 2 wait 4 thirty days before you could get any money out of it. hope that's been helpful
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 21, 2003
The Auction is being Held In Birkenhead I'll treat you to a and a
if you decide to come with me I spend spend spend thats my middle name lol
at you lol
here eat thisbefore it melts
I'm back boys and girls
november_rain Posted Nov 21, 2003
nice one that would be a gr8 day out as well wot day is it going 2 be held then and i can make arrangements 2 meet u in birkenhead?
andy chucks a gr8 big at hilary &
s off
ing his head off lol
right back at you andf thanx for the choclate
have some and a glass of
but don't get 2 drunk otherwise u will fall over on u behind
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 21, 2003
i better check wich day it will be there only open every 3 mnths don't ask me why the telly people will be there i've reg my plate with them the man said i should get around 14-15 thousand for it plus i have give them 60% for auction it off I'll get back to you
Throws a even bigger at andy oh gawd i've made you wet all ready lol
would you like a bowl of scouse
Yes have a day out and you can tell me off when i'm spending my £££ i've saved up lots i have a penny jar now i put all my change in it so far i've
2oo quid in pennys thats to get a new gas cooker the one i got is rubbish
my brother got sectioned before i went away long story tell you in email.
I'm back boys and girls
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 21, 2003
Hey what's been going on here since i have been absent,? this is getting later and later getting back to you, but i am always getting booted out
We don't want any accidents here do we, so less of the throwing otherwise i will start lol
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 21, 2003
hi nats
Andy here has been throwing s at me and
ning off at top speed i've just landed him with a big giant water balloon that should
him down abit
Nats lets me and you get him tow females on one guy we shud be able to get
I know what you mean there my screen gose blank sometimes theres a virus going around the boxes so twest say anyway i aint got a pace box no more they gave me a brand new Calle the explorer 4101 i got a brand new remote its silver black and they even gave me a new kybrd free of charge
i've a silver keybrd
andy you better lad i am going to soak you to your very skin just you watch out i'm right behind you
I'm back boys and girls
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 23, 2003
Hi Hilary
Two females on one lad mmmm yeah that sounds good lol
here Andy take that lmao
How dare you throw stuff at my friend, now that wasn't very nice at all lol
I am glad that you got a new keyboard, i wish i had a new one.
Anyway i will let you >>>> after Andy cos he deserves to be pelted with lol
I'm back boys and girls
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Nov 23, 2003
hiya nats
Andy you better run Lad cos this s are gonner get you lol
let's see if we can't get martin as well while we at it,
you know who won't leave me alone I'm vicki now and I'm star
Jason where are you my little snow prince come and chase this nasty man away
nats andy may get us
This is fun
I'm back boys and girls
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 23, 2003
I am not running away from a man, cos i am not scared lol
Anyway Andy won't get me, cos i will just have to get him lol
Yeah it is fun isn't it, i like to be happy
Awwww poor Martin what's he done, i don't think he has done anything or has he lmao ao
s for Andy cos he is picking on my friend lol
I'm back boys and girls
supersonic Posted Nov 29, 2003
glad i found this thread,thought you said on the phoneone 2 me some while ago that you wasent talking 2,*the*princess*of*hearts*,funny how you have changed your mind,aslo havent 4 gotten the time you sent a message 2 somone pretending 2 be lushylips saying thingas about me,dontn suppose you remember that do you,well i did,as i knew at that time she didnt come on here,as i was incontact with her on the pe phone and if you remember i told you so on here,re,and you can have more then 1 name on here,so you dont need 1 e-mail addy,as ive got more te then 1 name on here,but i only use this 1,you see i dont 4 get things that easy.
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I'm back boys and girls
- 1: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 19, 2003)
- 2: november_rain (Nov 19, 2003)
- 3: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 19, 2003)
- 4: angelicaheaven (Nov 20, 2003)
- 5: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 20, 2003)
- 6: november_rain (Nov 21, 2003)
- 7: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 21, 2003)
- 8: november_rain (Nov 21, 2003)
- 9: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 21, 2003)
- 10: angelicaheaven (Nov 21, 2003)
- 11: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 21, 2003)
- 12: angelicaheaven (Nov 23, 2003)
- 13: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 23, 2003)
- 14: angelicaheaven (Nov 23, 2003)
- 15: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Nov 28, 2003)
- 16: supersonic (Nov 29, 2003)
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