This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*


Post 1


The windows are clean
That she looks through
With brown crowned trees
Dusting skies of blue
And the birds like arrows
Before her sight
Dart into an immensity of light
Fragile and wax like
The roses seem
Untouchable like beauty
In a dream
Whence come chrysanthemums
With frosty elegance
Against whose beauty
She has no defence
She sees all these
Through her windows bright
Sees them there
Both day and night
Don't say she looks
On a back yard small
A paved path a stone wall
Where of beauty
There is nothing at all.


Post 2

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

This is so sweet and beautiful.
Is it one of your nans again?
Well if it is, well she has got hidden talent too.
Do you do any yourself hun?
Stuey has gone now and i am missing him already smiley - wah
He will be ringing me when he gets home, but i dont know what time though.
Anyway i will go for now and hope to speak soon.
Take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 3


Hi nat's
No It's not my GrandMother's poetry This Time It's my own
It About me when I was young
when i was young my GrandMother said write what you feel in a Note book Put it in verses and poem's Then one day you can look back and show it to your children's children My GrandMother was a wise woman
but she gave me the best advice so when ever I feel Down i write it down and make poem's out of My life I have about 300 Note book's with load's of my own I know who i take after now my Gran smiley - biggrin

Yes it was beautiful when I was young even when the sky was grey
see i writing poetry as we spk

Hows you hon and your other half?
I hope your Both smiley - ok
well take care
spk soon
smiley - hugs


Post 4

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

Well you certainly do take after your nan then smiley - smiley
My nan was never like this at all, and no one knows how i got my gift.
It's really strange though how it all comes out.
I do it when i am relaxed, and when i am it all flows out like a tea cup lol smiley - biggrin
You have seen my Mother ones aswell as the who me my names Linda, well they come from knowhere.
I just let it all come out of me, it feels like i am posessed if you know what i mean.
Anyway duty calls for more postings to see to, so you take care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - rose
P.S. Stuey has gone now, he went at 9:00pm and i'm missing him already smiley - wah
I will be seeing him next month again YIPPEE smiley - biggrin

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