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My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 1


I Can't Bear The Sorrows Of The World, The broken marriage, The child dead through burns,Going Blind,
The Torture of the Prison Camp
Being found dead alone in old age Crimes committed not in rage
Cruelty To animals,
The experimenting in cages
For the good of humanity
The things men do to there wives
Under the guise of Love
The pain of disease
The loveless life
The hate between Colour's
The ego and Lust for power
of the small man inside the big frame All is Pain.
My Grandmother was a Wonderful woman in all her life she was Allway's there For me with the Comfort of Love Being Her main Thing She loved me and I loved My GrandMother With all my Heart

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 2

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I thought that was beautiful, it is a lovely poem.
Your grandmother sounds just like mine hun, exactly the same.
She was there for me when i was down, she always cheered me up no problem.
I would really love to meet you.
Cos we could get om with each other, for the things we have in common.
Anyway i have sent you another email, i just hope that you have received this one.
Oh well i must smiley - run>>> for i have to go to the shpps for cat food.
Take care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 3


hiya hun,smiley - rosesmiley - rose i thought that was the most tender heart felt poem i,ve ever read about a person anyway the only words i can find to say is smiley - wow and keep up the good work! smiley - ponysmiley - pony

anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon,
take care
smiley - love
Grifter GAL
smiley - clownsmiley - popcornsmiley - choc

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 4

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

Don't you say hi to me then.
I'm going to smiley - cry now smiley - wah there i told you i would lol smiley - smiley
Howz you today?

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 5


hiya Nats smiley - lovesmiley - love how are you? i,m fine would you like a smiley - cappuccino with frothy smiley - milk and smiley - choc sprinkled on top or would you like a smiley - toffeeapple or a tub of smiley - popcorn
anyway my hobbies are collecting collectable dolls and teapots and i also collect smiley - clown i have two smiley - cat one male cat called stassy and one female smiley - blackcat called pepi
i hate smiley - spider and smiley - tomato im 32 female and i,m a drama workshop leader smiley - diva anyway you take care
smiley - love Grifter Gal
smiley - footprintssmiley - snowmansmiley - wizardsmiley - magic

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 6

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi grifter girl

smiley - love

I have 4 cats did have 5 but one has strayed smiley - wah
The youngest 2 are 17 months old, and they all live outside now.
They won't even come in no more smiley - wah
Oh i would prefare smiley - tea by the way, i only drink smiley - coffee in the morning, and that is soon as i get up.
I have a collection of dolls, i have only got 9 though.
I have a collection of crystal and lilliput lane collections too.
I am not scared of spiders, they are scared of me lol.
What are the smileys what you have done, at the bottom of your message.
Anyway i am going to get my dinner, so i will either catch you later or some other time smiley - ok
So take care cos i care.
Lots of love.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 7


Hi Nats
Hi Paula

I'm glade you both Liked my GrandMother's poemsmiley - smiley
ow are you both Today?
I hope your Bothsmiley - ok
Thank's for The email Nats
I've replyed to it.
Spk to you both soon I'm
just getting ready
So my Night out
I hope i get Blizted tonight
smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugs

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 8

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I hope you enjoy yourself hun, but i wish i was coming with you smiley - wahsmiley - wah
What am i like hey, stuck in with no money and its so boring, cos i'm so lonely smiley - wah
Be careful when you are out smiley - ok
Take care also..
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - rose

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 9


Hi nats
Of course i be careful when i'm out i going with a few female friends that are off there rockersmiley - biggrin
I'll have asmiley - stiffdrinkfor you while i'm out i kno what you mean Its no fun whe you Got no Money Bin there meselfsmiley - wah
Hope to catch you soon
take care
gottasmiley - run
smiley - hugs

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 10

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

This is the thirs attempt to write this, but evetytime i clicked on the button, well the screen went black on me smiley - wah
Did you have a tia maria and coke for me, cos that is my drink.
Anyway i am off for i have other postings to do, so you take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - rose

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 11

ant 316

hiya hill the poems are sweet sorry about your aunty smiley - lovesmiley - love im hear if you need to talk

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 12


hiya Nats hun, smiley - rosesmiley - rose how are you? i,m fine smiley - sorry i havent replied to you sooner but i,ve been having problems accessing h2g2 through my digibox and its making my smiley - headhurtssmiley - laugh oh by the way would you like a cup of smiley - tea with a slice of smiley - cheesecake or would you prefer a bowl of smiley - strawberries anyway hun i,m off now, so i look forward to hearing from you soon

smiley - love
Grifter gAL
ps would you like us to email one another? i have 13 collectable dolls in my collection

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 13

ant 316

excellent poem hun smiley - love very sweet indeed

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 14


I'm glad you liked my poem
I've got To stand up in church In front all my family and Read out 5 Poem's I'm not looking forward to that as i besmiley - wahall the way through It First we said we was going to have a Grave side speech There's been alot of argueing in my family over it smiley - sadface I don't like it when they start can't they put there fight's away a lovely woman has died and all they think of is themselves and how much is in the WILL i couldn't stand it So i shoughted at them They all Glared at me and said leave the men to row No way i won't have it So Tomorrow I gonner Put my Foot down on and Give them the Cold shoulder Not spk to any of them.
It's the only way i'm a afraid The only way I can get through to them anyway.
I'm stuck in the middle My mum's and Dad's Both side's The family hate each other I'm allways in the middle But some the things they say is so funny I just laugh at them all and Give them the Cold Look i Dunno weather it will work.
Hows you ant smiley - love
hope your smiley - ok
here have a bar ofsmiley - choc
spk soon
take care
smiley - hugssmiley - lovesmiley - kiss

Hi Nats
How are you and your other half ?
Hope your Both well
spk soon
smiley - hugs

Hi paula
how's you Hope your smiley - ok
as well
spk soon
smiley - hugs

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 15

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I'm smiley - sorry for missing your posting, it's that i have been busy in email for the last couple of nights.
OH aswell as on here, but mostly in email, aswell as the phone lol smiley - biggrin
Stuey went home on Friday hun, and he didn't want to go.
Your family sound a bit like mine hun, i wish you can pick instead of keeping them lol smiley - biggrin
Oh well better go cos my bed is smiley - wah for me, so take care smiley - ok
Love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - rose

My GrandMother's Own poetry

Post 16


Hi Nats
Hi Paula
How are you both I hope your bothsmiley - ok
smiley - sorryi've not replyed to you both But this sys is crazy and I can't seem to send or leaave anyone a messagesmiley - sillyi say i hope it starts to work prop soon
How has your weekend been Mine has been boreing Just haven a lazy day smiley - laugh
Well i better smiley - runand see if i can answer my messages in my Friend's have left.
Take care to you both
spk soon
smiley - hugs

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