This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

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Post 41

Star Fleet...

as far as i know no one has broke the house rules but the way this conversation is going it may well happen smiley - sadface

Star Fleet Ace

Humour / Thanks

Post 42

Researcher 236692

yea im sure it will and 2 be honest i dont care if i break them,as im not going 2 have my name being ran down by anyone,they are full of s*it

Humour / Thanks

Post 43

Star Fleet...

thats your choice smiley - sadface but why cant you just ignore them before the situation gets out of hand smiley - sadface

Humour / Thanks

Post 44


smiley - erm This conversation doesn't seem to be going very well. I realise that I'm yet another person butting in, but I wonder if some of you have not realised a few facts about this site:

1. Nothing here is private. Not your conversations, not your pages, nothing. It might be reasonable to expect that you won't have nasty people harrassing you (and I'm not picking on anyone in particular here) but you can't stop them reading. That includes people who haven't even registered. So if you are going to talk about people it is entirely possible that they will read it or their friends will and either might decide to complain or leap into the conversation.

2. Everything in a conversation, unless it gets hidden by the staff, remains visible. You can edit or delete your pages but not your posts. If you are about to say something you might regret, it is better not to say it at all. Even things which get deleted may be cached by one of the many internet web crawlers, eg google.

3. There is a separate chat service which *is* private. It is called BBCi Connector. Unfortunately it almost certainly won't work from a digibox.

So, in conclusion, if you want to avoid upsetting each other it is best not to mention each other at all. I'm not sure whether or when you might all be prepared to call a truce though. Please at least consider one. smiley - grovel

Humour / Thanks

Post 45

Star Fleet...

SEF i agree with you i think they should at least try to calm down smiley - sadface

Star Fleet

Humour / Thanks

Post 46


All i ask is you leave us alone You want Go to Court and be Laughed at by my Familysmiley - ok
But The charge will be your harrass me On here you accused me of being other women and other ppl plus you slander my name Don't think for one sec I gonner sit back and let any man walk all over me I've a family full You 4get who your talking with.

Star fleet
If he dosn't leave me alone I will have no choice But to Send in the Formal complaints I have the proof I am sick to death of him being on my case all we want is to b left alone by him If he dose that then Fine i'll drop The it But if he dosnt then I will Tell my uncle to send them
Do you know what a OBE is my uncle has that title He has messed with the wrong girl all i want is some peace i have lost my auntie found her dead in my chair on sunday i Have trouble off my ex on here and Today he starts again Can you please tell him To unsub from this message and we will all do the same I will delete it off my space and talk with my friends on my other journals I just want him to leave me and my friends alone is that so hard and little to ask for.
He said he stop it But he won't
I can't see if he will change at all.

Humour / Thanks

Post 47



Although you want to be left alone to chat with your friends, can you not at least see that if such chat even mentions certain people they are likely to get upset? smiley - erm

Unubscribing (because you can't really delete anything) and starting a new thread are probably good ideas. But in your new conversation, please try very hard not to even mention the people whom you don't want to involve. If you do mention them, eg negatively, they are likely to want to reply. You *can't* stop them reading. You (and we) can only ask politely that they refrain from joining in. This is more likely to work if you *don't* even talk about each other any more.

This applies equally to the other side/group.

Humour / Thanks

Post 48


I know what your saying And all That but The fact is weather you can tell him to leave me alone and we wernt just talking about Him My ex is the main topic He has clearly read thing's wrong.

All i ask is for him to go away and never to contact me or nay my friend's again as we don't want to know him.

If he was nice towards us then yes fine we be nice with him

All i ask would you please tell him to stop and leave me alone as well I just lost a Auntie and i've enough on my plate and my ex comes on here Just to get at me and I don't need him starting on me I just want him to leave me alone.

Thanks anyway

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