This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

I've just Found out

Post 21


According to my Brother I was Told when he phoned at middle of The morning while I was In bed while staying at a Friend's House.
I feel

YOUR WORDS Schizo freeeek. Want to explain? To me it looks like your BROTHER PHONED ME AT THE MIDDLE OF THE MORNING.

Which he didn't.

You lie about your lies.


I've just Found out

Post 22


go away smiley - grr i do not lie but i know you do.

tell him to go away please i'm too upset i can't be hav him start thankyou for looking after me today i'd gone to bits againsmiley - wah i miss her so much.

I've just Found out

Post 23


go away smiley - grr i do not lie but i know you do.

tell him to go away please i'm too upset i can't be hav him start thankyou for looking after me today i'd gone to bits againsmiley - wah i miss her so much.

I've just Found out

Post 24

ant 316

yo go away leave hillary alone

I've just Found out

Post 25


thanks ant xxx

I've just Found out

Post 26

ant 316

no probs hun just ignore him sweet smiley - love

I've just Found out

Post 27


How can he say such thing's about me though When I know there Not even True For God's sake he hasn't even met me who wanna meet a Toad Like that anyway

Yeah antsmiley - loveyour so right i will ignore him he not worth it either,

I've just Found out

Post 28

ant 316

he is not worthy

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