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Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 1


This is what my smiley - doglady look's like she is 4 year's old today and I bought her Steak for her Tea and a brand new bed.
So all you animal lovers out there sing happy birthday to my little lady she's a cross breed but i still love The bone's pf her.
They say a smiley - dogis a Man's bestfriend No way There a woman's bestfriend Nowsmiley - laugh

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 2

ant 316

happy birthday to your little smiley - dog steak for smiley - tea can i have some heres a smiley - ale for him from me lol

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 3


My Little smiley - dogis a girl sweetsmiley - loveBut she dose like
a Drink of smiley - milkorsmiley - bubblynow and again it gives her coat a good shine
Spk soon Darling
smiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - love

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 4

ant 316

hi hun hope you are okay speak soon hun take care smiley - smiley have an smiley - ale and a smiley - tea have an smiley - ale for me to lol

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 5

ant 316

hi hun hope you are okay speak soon hun take care smiley - smiley have an smiley - ale and a smiley - tea have an smiley - ale for me to lol

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 6

ant 316

hi hun hope you are okay speak soon hun take care smiley - smiley have an smiley - ale and a smiley - tea have an smiley - ale for me to lol

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 7


Would You Like your steak medium raw or well done?
Or would you like me to make you some Spare Ribs?

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 8

ant 316

spare ribs and well done steak with an smiley - ale hun just the way i like it smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 9

ant 316

did your little dog have a nice birthday hun

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 10


Yes I made her a cake and jelly But she only had a bite of each and i ate the rest oh i saved you some smiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 11

ant 316

thanks for my smiley - cake mmmmmmmmmmm it was so devine it made me so happy made me smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 12

ant 316

thanks for my smiley - cake mmmmmmmmmmm it was so devine it made me so happy made me smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 13

ant 316

thanks for my smiley - cake mmmmmmmmmmm it was so devine it made me so happy made me smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 14

ant 316

thanks for my smiley - cake mmmmmmmmmmm it was so devine it made me so happy made me smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday To my Little Dog Lady

Post 15

ant 316

hiya hun im off things to do before i go to work take care speak to you really soon
smiley - love

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