This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*


Post 1


On no great billows of emotion was my Love wrought No undertow of passion pulled at my Heart,No fever erupted like a waterspout,

No despair mangled my mind like
meeting currents from great seas,You came to me softly,
Like a dawn wind heralding summer's day.You sank into my still waters of my being Down to Depths neve before fathomed,And there you lie for ever inward To my Seeing Heart and Mind,
Your Depths are my sky I have but to look into my being and my world Takes Flight, But only in
the quietude of the Night, For in The day rising from Darkness and deep still Waters of my Dreams I return To my Nature In light above For I am a Shy Woman who has never known Love, And What you've never Had you Cannot Lose.
Yet I am Lonely Without YOU there.
smiley - rose


Post 2

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

That poem is so beautiful.
Did you do it yourself.?
If you did you have got talent.
How are you anyway hun.?
I hope you are smiley - ok
Im not so bad today myself thank goodness.
I am a lot better compared to what i have been lately.
Anyway i will go for now, and hope to speak soon.
smiley - love going your way.
Love from xx*NATS*xx


Post 3


Yes I wrote it myself It took About 4 hour's to write smiley - blush
I'm glade you liked it,
I am just fine thankyou.
Had a ok sort of day Just a few family problem's But Its all been sorted OUT now Thankgod.
take care


Post 4

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

Im glad that you are smiley - ok
Familys hey what are they like lol smiley - biggrin
I have problems with mine, especially my sister Angela, she is one bitch.
She doesn't seem to like my Stuey for some reason, i don't know what her problem is at all.
We just ignore her, cos she tries to interfere.
Anyway i am off for now, so i hope you get back to me.
So you take care smiley - ok
Lots of smiley - love
smiley - love from xx*NATS*XX

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