This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*


Post 1


I'm the nicest person I have the best sense of humour I laugh at Good joke's I cry at weepy Film's I love animal's my smiley - dog
and my budgiesmiley - peacedove
I love sport I shout with joy when Everton score.
I'm a lovely girl From liverpool
My daddy brought me up To respect everyone and To keep secrets As my family closet has alot of those Secret's I'm allways there for anyone i Give the best i can To my friend's
I can be trusted
I have had a bad life My mum's in a wheelchair Has M.S
she been in that wheel chair sinse edward my little brother was born.
I hate my brother He has Ruined my life Turned some friend's away from me I suppose he just jealous Co's i give my
friend's the attention Now and
not him.
Your only True friend's are your Parent's But My bestFriend was my Daddy he called me his princess That's the name i allways use I miss my Dad But he is with me allways in my
and is watching me from above with thesmiley - angels.
I have made and met some wonderful People I've made loads of friend's and They respect me and They believe me Like i believe There word's I trust my Friend's They Trust Me.
That's what Friendship is all about we laugh we have great Time's we share our problem's
and We love each other.
And To All my Friend's That Know me off LD and ym2 and here
I love you all.
Your Simply The best.
smiley - hugs smiley - cuddlessmiley - kiss
From Just for You.


Post 2


good afternoon hilary here a smiley - rose dont let the get you down they should be locked up do you need a drink wat would u like ? smiley - milksmiley - tea or perhaps something to eat smiley - cake youhavelost of mates on yoome2 and h2g2
smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish


Post 3


I'll have a cup of smiley - coffeeplease as My nerves are Gone here I won't let anysmiley - monsters pick on me i know i have loads of great Friends I am over thesmiley - moonthat you are my friend smiley - blushwe had some great times on ym2 don't we sweetsmiley - love I just sick of other ppl calling me a liar when They do not know the Real me in real life.
smiley - kisssmiley - hugs


Post 4

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

You are just like me, i smiley - crysmiley - wah at soppy fils aswell.
I love animals myself, all kinds of animals.
I have 4 smiley - cats and i love all of them the same way, i havent got a favourite.
I like a bit of smiley - football but not a lot.
I don't really follow it, but if England is playing that's when i do watch it.
I havent got a favourite smiley - football team, i just follow England.
I have a couple of frinds in wheel chairs, there names are as follows, Susan, Tony, Christine, Mike, Dave, and Don.
Two have crerable Palsy and two have sinabifada, and the other was born without any legs only stumps, and that is Don.
I dont like jealous people cos it doesnt get you anywhere.
I dont see the point in it really.
I agree with you sharing your problems with friends, i do aswell as them.
They are the true friends we need in our lives.
Especially when you are feeling down, cos they listen to you aswell as you listening to them.
smiley - hugs back to you, and thankyou for saying such nice words about us.
Anyway i am going now to finish my rest, before the dreaded cousin (Alan) comes home lol smiley - biggrin
Catch you later smiley - ok
Love from xx*NATS*xx

smiley - hugsmiley - lovesmiley - cuddlesmiley - rose


Post 5


smiley - cryhere i go again i cry over the silly thing's I love my friend's they mean the world to me oh thankyou for the smiley - hugs
you are all so sweet and kind It makes me feel Sound.


Post 6

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

smiley - rosesmiley - love

I am made up that i have cheered you up, im sorry that i have made you smiley - cry and i am awful sorry that i am late getting back to you aswell.
Mind you i am not the only one that has made you happy smiley - biggrin
I am off to bed now, so i hope to hear from you real soon.
Take care smiley - ok
Goodnight and sweet dreams.

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

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