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I need Personal Advice.

Post 1


I've known this man For quite a while He said he Liked me Then he said Nice Word's to me then I find out Today That he Dosn't Like me And that he is Asking me To smiley - thepostask my ex Husband
about some Jumped Up Barbie Doll
I Don't know what To believe anyMore One minute he's Nice as Pie the Next he send'ssmiley - thepost
accusesing me Of Stuff Then He dose like me I smiley - sadfaceDon't know what To do I don't know if he Telling me Lie's or The Truth
Or is it his way Just to Use me
I need advice fast From any my BestFriend's Out There.
I'd be very Greatful
I feel so Down in the dump's
smiley - blue

I need Personal Advice.

Post 2


hiya hilary. why feel down babes you have lots of mates . your such a kind and caring person :O) a very lovely girl . youve been a very good friend to me :o) dont let any1 tell you other wise . :O) :O):o):o) :O):O):o):o):O)

I need Personal Advice.

Post 3


I'm Glade you Think that about me honey I just so confussed
I won't let anyone Pick on me But He Know's where I live.

I need Personal Advice.

Post 4

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

Nats here to give you my support.
You mean more than life, than him hun.
If he's like this now, imagine what he will be like next time.
Just tell him in nice words, that you need some respect.
Anyway hun good luck ok.

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx Stuey and Alan

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - lovesmiley - rose

I need Personal Advice.

Post 5


Thankyou Nats i'm glade you are supporting me in this The man i on about is sprouting about my Good family name now on his Home page on here His name is solcuerda I thought I knew him I don't anymore Gone the nice guy in come's this nasty Guy.
He's maken me ill i can't sleep or eat. I'm nervous I never enjoyed staying at my uncles I dunno what to do.
I feel so Alone My family Don't care they Push me away.
I'm happy abit to know i have such Good Friends that know the real me He dosn't He just won't listen.
smiley - hugs

I need Personal Advice.

Post 6

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi hun

Keep your head up high, dont let him get to you, cos if he knows its upsetting you, the more he is going to do it more.
Keep him at arms length and dont do anything foolish.
I know you wont, but if he keeps on doing these things to you, get the police involved.
Thats what i did after the smiley - bleep beat me up, and left me with a broken rib that was shattered to unrepair.
I had to get an operation to take it out.
I was awful sore and tender afterwards, i couldnt even lie down to go to sleep.
Anyway enough about me, we are talking about you.
So if he starts again, just go and tell him to go and take a swing and jump.
And keep your head up, dont let him see that hes getting at you, cos the more you ignore him, the sooner or later he will get the message.
Anyway hun you take care ok.
Love going your way.

Love from xx*NATS*xx

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - lovesmiley - rose

I need Personal Advice.

Post 7


Oh thankyou For thatsmiley - hugs
how are you Today apart from me Moaning about That.
Hope your ok.
spk soon
take care

I need Personal Advice.

Post 8

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

Im not so bad today, but i cant bend cos of my knee.
I have Osteo Arthritis in it, and it smiley - bleeping kills.
Yesterday i felt terrible, i had 3 pass outs when i was out, well two cos the other i had was when i got home.
I'm a little better now, but my stomach is aching.
Anyway you take care too smiley - ok
Im going to get dressed for definite now lol smiley - biggrin
Catch you later hun.

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

I need Personal Advice.

Post 9


Well thanks for the advice I have made my mind up I won't let him Upset me any longer If he can't respect me Then it's his Problem not mine thanks again.
take care
smiley - hugs

I need Personal Advice.

Post 10

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

Sorry its a little late, its that i have been on the phone to my fiance, and he says hello to you.
How are you now?
Hope you are feeling better.
My family are similar to yours, but i have lost 2 members of them, and that was my dad and my brother.
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother and me mum Laura.
My dad's name was Jonathan, and my brother that passed away aswell is called Ken.
My remaining brother is called John, abd my 2 sisters are Pamela and Angela.
I am originally Linda by the way, but i choose to use my middle name, and i have since September last year.
You be strong now wont you?
Dont ket the blighter get to you smiley - ok
Anyway you take cos i care.
Lots of love going your way always.
Love from xx*NATS*xx

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