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My 2nd Motto For Life

Post 1


a Mystery,
Today Is a smiley - gift

My 2nd Motto For Life

Post 2


tomorrow never comes
if you die today

My 2nd Motto For Life

Post 3


Yes Your quite right sir theresmiley - laugh
here's another Motto
Your father is your bestfriend
your mother she the very best
then come's the smiley - monsters your brother's/or/sisters
They turn your world
Upside Down..


Post 4

Researcher 229051

I have replyed 2 your e-mail,but i still havent got a clue whoever you are.


Post 5


You first spoke to me as Hilary4 that was when LD was alive i was known as all these name's I'll write em down see if you remeber any.
They where all my name's on LD and i use 5 out that list above
you must know me
Hey i'm from Liverpool and I support Everton that shud help you remeber who i am
If not i'll find a little corner and smiley - crylol
Come on phillip I know you.
Hey do you remeber that smiley - monsterKeith who had abrother named Brian who was Known as Mrwonderful?


Post 6


another motto
dont put it of untill tomorrow
what you can do today
put it of till next year


Post 7


Hey Clever Clog's your nearly as Brainy As me Lol you won today's smiley - gift
Here's a little motto
what you get is the thought
That Count's,


Post 8


well your right there hunni. as long as the gift is given in kindness and thoughtfullness it dont matter how small the present is. but it would be nicer if the present was good eh lolmao


Post 9

Researcher 229051

I remember chatting 2 a Hilary4 on ld,but i dont remember a Kieth or his broher called Mr wonderful.That booter who your are chatting 2 is a great guy,i knew him off yoome2.


Post 10


Yeah philip
booter is mysmiley - monsterLol
and your now on my list as asmiley - elfthe only funny i cud put you as.
I knew you on LD too.
Here help yourself to some home madesmiley - cake


Post 11

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Phil
Hi Booter
Hi Hilary

Nats here asking how you all are.
Hilary do me favour.?, please.
Could you please tell me where about in Liverpool are you.
Im from Liverpool in two towns called Netherton Bootle.
Do you know them by any chance.?



Post 12


Well Hello there sweetsmiley - love
I'm from Bootle yes but i was born n bred in anfield Nice to meet you Nat we have spoken b4 on LD haven't we i think we have
well I'm just fine me Nice to hear from a friendly fellow scouser lol
take care


Post 13

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Hilary

Im smiley - sorry for not getting back to you so late.
I had forgotten about this posting, so i am appoligising again.
You say you are from Bootle smiley - cool so am i, but Netherton aswell.
Yes we have spoken before, a very long time ago, well only lastyear in fact lol smiley - biggrin
Are you by the Strand Shopping Centre.?, or if not where about are you.
You dont have to tell me where about you are, just name a pub cos i might now it lol smiley - biggrin
Have you ever heard a pub called The Cabbage Pub.?
If you have, well i live at the back of it.
Oh i am a scouser believe me, you havent heard the way i speak lol
I was born in The Isle Of Man, but i moved here when i was 6 months old.
I was bred in Bootle in Emer Terrace not far from The Seaforth Docks.
Well Emer Terrace was by Kellogs, and the old bus station were the 61s use to be.
How old are you Hilary, if you dont mind me asking.
Oh there use to be a street called Anderson Ave and Grange Road, they were all connected to one another, if you know what i mean.
Anyway im rambling here lol smiley - biggrin
I will go for now and hope that you get back to me.
So you take care ok.
Lots of love going your way.
Love from xx*NATS*xx

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