This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

ant 316

Post 21

ant 316

well im shooting laters

ant 316

Post 22

ant 316

well im shooting laters

ant 316

Post 23


Hello anthony smiley - devil
Hello martinsmiley - monster
Hello to both my bestfriend's

and hello To jarve when ever he decides to wake upsmiley - laugh


ant 316

Post 24

ant 316

hello there speak to you soon ant lol

ant 316

Post 25

ant 316

a mars a day helps you work rest and play so i have been told how true i dont no

ant 316

Post 26

ant 316

a mars a day helps you work rest and play so i have been told how true i dont no

Healthy quote lol

Post 27


alcohol is good but only in moderation lol mine's a smiley - ale plz lol

Healthy quote lol

Post 28

ant 316

mines three pints

Healthy quote lol

Post 29


i'm getting some beer l8r & where i work which is a pub lmao one of the lads is leaving so there's going 2 be a small party 4 him so i don't think i'll be healthy after that smiley - biggrin

Healthy quote lol

Post 30


Hello andy
Hello anthony

How are you Andy?
how are you anthony

Hey andy Have you any smiley - bubblyco's i dying of thurst lol

spk to you both soon Not in the mood Oh andy where are you when i need you hey sitting in mersyside some place and me well
I realy upset i smiley - bleepyou tomorrow i will.

Anthony listen honey don't believe a word Jamie Tells you he a born liar and andy will tell you what my cousin Jamie is like won't you andy he isnt to be trusted Conal and derren can be trusted But not jamie you watch what you say to him ok.

I'll spk to you both soon

Oh martin if your watching how are you honey hope your ok.

Well 2 smiley - hugs each and 1 smiley - kiss
each on the cheek and Philip if your out there you can only have a smiley - hugas you have s£x on the brain lol
see you all soon
take care
and andy don't get to fizzy.

Healthy quote lol

Post 31

ant 316

dont worry hun i wont listen to any thing he says and i wont tell him anything take care speak to you soon lol ant

Healthy quote lol

Post 32


To anthony smiley - hugs
To jarve smiley - hugs
To martin smiley - hugs
To philip smiley - hugs
To andy smiley - hugs
and Finaly see you all soon next monday have a great week and don't get too much fizzy,

And take no Notice of jamie
He is a born liar,
You can Trust Conal his nickname is spook like in smiley - ghostask who your talking to when i'm not around if you get my nickname is Spud It's jamie and he is a Trouble maker.

Healthy quote lol

Post 33


When i went the smiley - doctors the other day i was told a cup of smiley - coffeeis bad for your Health but why did the smiley - doctorthen say you be glade to get home miss M and have a cup of smiley - teaso what's the difference between the 2
I dunno My smiley - doctoris barmy lol
but he so funny realy is.

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