This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Hi Everyone

Post 1


Just let you all know i have returned smiley - biggrin i have been very buisy with family member's who are very smiley - ill but you are not forgotten i may not be on as much but you all know my email address
so you can still keep intouch with me theresmiley - ok
just hope your all wellsmiley - smiley
Let's hope England win this year ehsmiley - whistle
i hope you all enjoyed your holiday's you can tell me about them when ever you wishsmiley - cheerup everyone i'm back and you can all leave me a message at bottom help yourself tosmiley - cake and smiley - bubbly

Hi Everyone

Post 2


Hi hun, welcome back.

Hi Everyone

Post 3


Hi nice to see you backsmiley - smiley

Hi Everyone

Post 4


Hi to both of you smiley - wow this heat is realy getting me down any one got a hose ?

Hi Everyone

Post 5


well it's great here, no ban so garden looks green, must be rotten if you can't use the hose, still at least you know that your water company is wasting more water than you ever will with all the pipe leaks

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