This is the Message Centre for And Introducing... A Leg

Love the nickname...

Post 1


Hi there!

Just popped on to say that I really like your nickname, Legsmiley - ok

Are you any particular Leg? Or just a Leg?

Caper Plipsmiley - artist

Love the nickname...

Post 2

And Introducing... A Leg

No, just a leg.smiley - biggrin I was once in a band that was going to be called The Truth Commission, but I absolutely insisted we be called A Truth Commission instead. I was hoping to start a trend of bands called A... or Some...

Trouble was we were crap.smiley - sadface

Love the nickname...

Post 3

And Introducing... A Leg

No, actually the songs were good, (I don't want to knock the writer, top bloke) we just weren't much good at bringing them over. None of us could actually sing for a start.smiley - whistle

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