This is the Message Centre for Kate - who just inhaled sherbert (is that how you spell it?)
hi kate
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation May 23, 2002
hi kate..welcome to that you've activated your ACE..(Assistant Community Editor)..will visit you welcome you & offer you advice and useful links..
in the meantime have some....or..
..( fish finger sandwiches)..your is huuuugely fun & jolly here..with lots of lovely people..hope you enjoy your self..
..the best of luck with your exams..
Thank you!
Kate - who just inhaled sherbert (is that how you spell it?) Posted May 23, 2002
Oh, the happiness, people are talking and it's all so fun...
Thank you for saying hello, it has made me feel muchly happy . I will have to spend some time finding a way to bring my fish finger sandwiches on-line, then I can share them!
Tank you's and happy faces, Kate
Thank you!
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 23, 2002
i suggest you get yourself a huuuggeeemmonguust supply of fish finger sandwiches..put your feet up..relax..&..wear out your keyboard..this place is highly adictive....
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hi kate
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