This is the Message Centre for psychocandy-moderation team leader

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I see that everyone is starting new journal entries for the Na Po Wo Whatever. I seemed to recall in the past this was done in such a way that I didn't see a new post in my conversations list every day for each friend, but I must be remembering wrong!

Anyway, just letting you all know that I don't have time to participate or read any of the journals, so I am removing everyone who is participating from my friends list till November is over. I didn't want anyone to think they might have been removed for more nefarious reasons.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 2


It's the price of your staggering popularity. You just have too many friends to keep up with! smiley - winkeye

But yeah, I know what you mean. While I'm not unsubbing from people, I'm not rigorously keeping up, either. I'm sure they won't mind too much if there's something I don't read or respond to.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

If it's meant to "enliven" h2g2, it's done the opposite. My conversations list is now so flooded with things I never subscribed to that I can't find anything I actually want to read and thus stay away entirely.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 4

Woolly Mammoth

Guilty as charged I'm afraid. I'm enjoying it, liking the variety and meeting lots of people. I find it easier to keep up with a new one a day...but I hadn't added a lot if friends to the new account, so it's manageable.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I tend to unsub from anything that's been quiet for a few days, or anything that will show up on the Front Page anyway, as I like to keep my list clean for a few reasons (not nefarious ones).

But I do think all of my friends are interesting people and will be adding you back on come December 1st. smiley - winkeye

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Mind... who's to say the butter theme will stop at the end of Nov... smiley - winkeyesmiley - snork

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oh, 2legs, darling... I will still enjoy reading about your butter long into the new year. smiley - winkeye

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 8

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Maybe I'll feel less stressed in a bit when month end and jury duty stuff winds down and I am not putting in 11-12 hour days... and then maybe I will even feel inspired to read a bit. But even still... nothing personal, just time constraints and not wanting to favor any one journal or two over any others. smiley - smiley

The last quarter of the year is hell where I work, and this jury duty on-call thing has me absolutely fretting each day.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 9


I was participating, but I did have my journals in a Guide Entry that people could subscribe to if they wanted to. I have since given up on it cause I just don't have it in me to do it this year.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 10

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

I think the only important news i've shared is that the mouse clan is buying a house and as such relocating soon.

Hope your December is as stress free as possible.

minismiley - mouse

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 11

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm going to be progressively more and more stressed until April.

I still have to train these new people, and apparently have been volunteered to cover payroll for all of our anesthesia techs (they don't get paid through our payroll department) during the week of Thanksgiving when I will already be overwhelmed. Apparently I have infinite time that I don't know about. Or a timer turner, or something.

December is usually hit or miss. The week between Christmas and New Year's isn't too bad.

January will have month end, 4th quarter end, and year end. smiley - wah Then we start on reporting for tax season. And the annual external audit. smiley - wah

But I'll add everyone back to my subscriptions after November anyway.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 12


Have you tried telling people to go and eff themselves? It's a resort of last measure, of course, but sometimes it works wonders. Skivers realise that work doesn't get done by itself.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 13

psychocandy-moderation team leader

It's not so much that anyone is skivving. Though I will be covering for scheduled vacation the week of Thanksgiving (and again, that woman helps me out ALL the time and vice versa, she's one of the other two people left in my department who is of any use at all now).

Though now you mention it, part of the issue is that we have two totally useless people, one of whom has a totally shitty attitude, and a third who is just very technology-resistant and set in their ways and creates more work and difficulty than is necessary but doesn't do it out of laziness or malice, like the others. The real problem is that my boss refuses to deal with problem people and instead chooses to lean more and more on the good ones. And because the other two have been promoted (because one got an MBA and the other a CPA, and I don't actually have a degree in Finance at all- my degrees are in Fine Arts- and just learned what accounting I do know on the fly) I am now the "senior", in the sense of most knowledgeable and hard-working and reliable, member of our team.

And you all know what *that* means. It means lots of "special" projects, excessive workload and overtime for me. smiley - sadface

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 14

psychocandy-moderation team leader

But... maybe I should quit whinging. smiley - winkeye

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 15

Milla, h2g2 Operations

You should find another job, that's what you should! No one should have to have jobs like that. smiley - hug
smiley - towel

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 16

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I know. I intend to start looking after the first of the year. Not a lot of places will be hiring toward the holidays, or year end. Sometimes not even till the end of the fiscal year. I need to retrieve my resume and get it updated soon. Also might contact the finance staffing agency that placed me here, as I'll gladly consider contract work.

In the meantime, I just need to hold it together.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 17

psychocandy-moderation team leader

And now it's December so I am following journals again. Slowly adding the people I enjoy following to my list again. Yay!

As for work... well, I have agreed to take on several new responsibilities. I agreed to do so with the stipulation that just one of my assignments be removed - a small one that might take up 2-3 hours a week. I've started all of the new projects within the last two weeks, with the last being running the monthly accrual reports on Monday morning (I was asked to take this on because I get in to the office first, regardless of the fact that it's normally run by someone holding a position that would require me to be promoted twice to obtain). But nothing has been moved off as of yet. I've also been asked to take on all the IRS tax reporting, so January through April will be ... chaotic. I believe I shall request a change in title (as in "Senior Blah Blah" instead of "Blah Blah") and a pay increase commensurate with workload increase when my annual review occurs in March.

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 18

Malabarista - now with added pony

If they had any sense, they'd already have offered it to you!

Can't do it... (PC)

Post 19

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I don't think the position / title actually exists. I just think that in order to fairly compensate and recognize me for not just agreeing, but volunteering, to take on so much more, they should create it and give it to me. smiley - winkeye

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