This is the Message Centre for psychocandy-moderation team leader


Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Time for a rant.

Last week was month end, so I was stressed and tired beyond belief. It was a four-day work week because of the Labor Day holiday, but I still was exploited into working 40+ hours. smiley - winkeye

So I thought this week would be better. Only it's 35°C +, vendors are being dramatic pains in the arse at work, and I arrived home today to find that Someone Who Will Remain Nameless had left the freezer door partially open, so all the food defrosted and there is a big mess of water and ice. It's a frostless freezer, and one I just purged and cleaned (with soap and water!) last week, so I am doubly annoyed at looking forward to doing it again this Saturday. At the buttcrack of dawn, since my dad is arriving that morning.


Post 2

psychocandy-moderation team leader

A warm bath, two glasses of wine, and two vegan chocolate / peanut butter brownies later, and I feel a bit less cranky. One of the cats spent my entire bath hanging over the side and playing in the water; it's nice to have help.

Still not looking forward to cleaning the mess, but odds are some other drama will occur tomorrow, next to which scraping up some ice should pale in comparison. smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Witty Moniker

Um, why are ~you~ cleaning the mess?

smiley - hug


Post 4

Sho - employed again!

first things first smiley - redwinesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

and then - what Witty said smiley - hug

Cats are mad, though, aren't they? playing with the bath water?


Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

"Um, why are ~you~ cleaning the mess?"

Well, to be fair, K did offer to clean it up. But I'm afraid of the bigger mess I might have to clean up afterward. smiley - winkeye I'll just do it myself. When I'm calm, it won't take too long. I just don't want any defrosted water to drip down into the motor housing and wind up having to replace something that doesn't even belong to us. smiley - winkeye

Feeling better this morning. Hopefully today won't be so awful at work, either. I thought month end being over would mean relative peace. But nope. And one of the analysts keeps bothering me for reports she should run for herself if she weren't so lazy. So my annoyance threshold is at critical mass.

Thanks, though, for commiserating (and feeling my pain about cleaning it out again).


Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Also, I forgot that I shouldn't use fake smiley code in subject lines, because they won't always show up. That annoys me, too. Not that it won't show up, that I can't remember not to do it. smiley - laugh


Post 7

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I didn't even notice that the fake smiley doesn't show!
I'm glad things are better today. And just tell that lazy lady she can run her own reports. You have more urgent things to do. Like fixing the data to go into the report, like.

smiley - towel


Post 8

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I never notice the smiley code thing till after I have posted. Because, apparently, previewing the subject line is just too much like work. smiley - winkeye

Yesterday morning, I went in to the office around 6 AM to work on a "project". One of our facilities uses a vendor most prolifically - about US $2M dollars or so spend per year, based on my reports from 2010 through 2012, and YTD 2013. Usually around 500 or so invoices processed per month.

Someone formerly employed in their cash applications department used to do internal applications of our payments instead of applying per the remittance. Their A/R team leader and I have been working for months to clear up misapplications going back to July 2011.

Yesterday morning's project was to reconcile the current monthly statement. 1088 items. Unfortunately, the "import" function on our AP system was not working properly yesterday, so instead of importing to the Excel file, I had to key all of the data (invoice number, invoice date, invoice amount; check number, check date, check amount; processing status for anything not yet paid) by hand. smiley - wah My shoulders and wrists are *still* aching. smiley - wah But it's done, for another month.

But that had a lot to do with why I was so exhausted yesterday, so the freezer was basically the tipping point.

I'm feeling human again today, so I'm no crankier than normal.


Post 9

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Except that I just noticed it is nearly 2 PM, and I have not yet eaten my lunch...


Post 10

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Dude... I hope you have eaten by now. Not eating increases crank levels to the max. *thinks that this would be an excellent advice over at the "What to do" thread*

smiley - towel


Post 11

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I did, right after I posted. I had a nice salad of lettuce, tomato, carrot, celery, nicoise olives, and Dijon mustard vinaigrette. My OH puts a salad together for me every morning while I am putting on my face.

And now it's quitting time! It's still hot today, but a cool front forecast to move through along with some rain (and likely thunderstorms)

I hope we don't lose power or any big trees again - that one a couple weeks ago took one of the trees along the river by our home down and we can see it from our windows. The tree was taller than our building and has to be 12 inches thick around. It's lying across the river like a bridge. Hopefully it's not blocking our neighborhood ducks' access to their homes.

Key: Complain about this post