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I really don't mean to laugh

Post 21

psychocandy-moderation team leader

>Much waffling and then the camera turned to show the road and it was clear; the reason the snow was as deep where he was was because the plough had pushed it all to the sides of the road

Yeah, that's one reason it's sometimes hard for me to figure out how much we've got and what sort of footwear is required. It might only be a couple of inches deep overall, but to cross any streets one has to plow through the piles on the parkway.

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 22

psychocandy-moderation team leader

One especially fun thing we get around here is lake effect snow. Temperatures are usually warmer near the lake during winter, especially earlier and later in the season. When moist air crosses the lake, it dumps all that moisture in massive amounts of wet, fluffy snow, lots of if in short periods of time. Lake effect snow can make getting around a bit treacherous.

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 23

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

There was a year when I a kid when we had a huge huge amount of snow, storms and blizzards.

When they were showing how much it had in fact snow, they showed one of those piles created by the snowploughs.

This was in late April and the report was standing on top of it - next to his feet you could just about see the top of the full size lamp post he was in fact standing on top of.

When the camera panned out you could see that the pile filled an entire carpark.

Memorable, and much mocked since.

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 24

Malabarista - now with added pony

Wasn't that a Münchhausen story? The one where he's riding through the snow, decides to camp for the night, ties his horse to the cross standing at the side of the road, and when he wakes up, the snow has melted and it's dangling by the reins from the top of the church tower...

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 25

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

May well be - but I'll see if I can find a youtube clip...

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 26

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Sadly, no smiley - sadface

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 27

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm guessing we have 4-6" so far, given that some snow managed to get over the top of my boots (ankle high) and get my socks all wet this morning. We may see more this weekend. I've heard some people in the office this morning going on about how it's supposed to be *really* cold tomorrow, but I just checked and the forecast high is 18°F, or -8°C, which isn't that bad. I was thinking it'd be long underwear and wooly sock weather, but that would definitely be overkill. I may want to wear gloves.

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 28


It doesn't feel very cold here at the minute, but it must be - I left a cup of coffee on the windowsill about half an hour ago, and when I went to get it it was mostly ice.

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 29

Malabarista - now with added pony

May I recommend double glazing?

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 30


Sure, if you want to pay for it. smiley - tongueout

(I meant the window sill outside, though. smiley - laugh)

I really don't mean to laugh

Post 31

psychocandy-moderation team leader

smiley - laugh

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