This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. Started conversation Aug 19, 2003
eerrrmmmm what can i say eerrrmmm
i dont read what u have written in e mails propley could be one of them
yes had written pass word wrong
gawd now iam going 2 have a 2 grovel big style arnt i glup !!
eerrrmmm has anyone told u what a nice guy u r marc eerrrmm ur good looking kind sweet eerrrmmm yes this should say it all
how on earth do u put up with me
mwah jacqui xxxxx
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Aug 19, 2003
Hey Jacqui someone has to look after you when your on line and like i said to trish the halo and the wings are only there to cover up the horns and spikey tail..
just one thing you don`t have to open a new thread each time you send me a msg this thread will hold over 4000 postings we can chat quite a bit with them 4000..
chat later on here..stick with it hun the worst bit is done..all you need to do now is chat as if you was on LD hope you remember how to do your smileys they can say things for you like I < love> U
< rose>
)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. Posted Aug 20, 2003
hugged marc :O)
well as u can see iam awake late eerrrmmmm wonder y that is could it be with a so called friend of mine waking me from my much needed beauty sleep.thought i better write that in b4 u did :O)
no it was lovely talking 2 again even if i did sound dopey nothing new there then is it ha ha ha
just looking at old msgs in my 1st name !
god it seems ages ago we 1st spoke marc doesnt it
and u have stuck with r friendship when i have failed 2 be the greatest of friends 2 u THANK U MARC (hope iam putting theses roses and hearts on right or iam going 2 look a muppet !!
speak soon sweetheart and thanks again 4 being you mwah
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Aug 20, 2003
Come on now miss Piggy lets get these smiley sorted out for the heart all you need is
< love> you should do like i did get a pen and a note book go to the smileys page (just click on any smiley) and make a list of all of them then if there is one i would like to use (like
porkpie) i will be able to look in the book and find it..Hey Jacqui friends come and go we are brother and sister we squabble and let each other down from time to time but when the chips are down who do we turn to? each you sis..
)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. Posted Aug 21, 2003
hiya marc or is that brother gawd iam making u sound like a monk and eerrrmmmm we all know that life wouldnt of suited u tee hee
i will get a little book and write these smellys down oops smilies :O) but maybe my eye sights bad but honestly marc there so tiny u can never make them out (dont go there marc !! remember i know how ur mind works
and boy thats an eye opening thing ha ha ha
eerrmmm any chance of if u when u get time that isssssss doing my number chat again as the one u did 4 me last yr is coming 2 an end
well trish and i r having a visitor well 2 this week 2 day as it happens :O)
so will be on and off here when time allows
massive hugs sent 2 u and mmwwaaahhhh iam allowed iam ur sis tee hee ..tell pam and the boys iam asking after them loads of love
jacqui xxx
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Aug 21, 2003
Hi Sis
it may be a couple of weeks before i can get to update your chart cos we are having a new kitchen fitted and rewire and plastering and new floor so all the kitchen is at the moment in living room and bedrooms so my computer has had to be put in a box untill it is all finished..just refresh my memory how long before your next birthday and you start getting your pension..hahaha..just wondering if i should change my text to size 10 so you can see it..i knew it was too good to be true you thinking i am good never told me you had bad
Chat soon..
Ps glad to see you managing the and
..hope your enjoying things a little more on here now..Trish says to say hello to you and Joebrush was in tea shoppe last night also says to say hello and they will drop you a line on here soon...long PS that wasn`t it..XXXXXXXXX
)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. Posted Aug 22, 2003
laughed with marc :O)
did i say u were good looking never !!!! ha ha ha
mind ive never had any taste !!! well i remember u said oohh when was it in lipstick/and/lace name 2 look at ur mug shot in photo gallery and was pleased 2 say u dint look like u were chewing a wasp as u had told me
but in all honesly marc i dont like ppl bcos of the way they look its whats it attracts me and ur heart is warm and giving so hoow couldnt be come ur friend ..i will tell norrie trish is asking after him just of now as i have 2 meet up with him speak soon and errrrmmm the pension bit didnt go unmissed boy will u be sorry 4 that jibe one nil 2 u at the moment only bcos i dont have time 2 saty on here long 2 get u back mmwwaaahhh speak soon sweetheart
hugs luv jacqui
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Aug 22, 2003
Joebrush was online otherday chatting to Trish and they BOTH said to say hello to you I think Trish said he was visiting her as well while he is in the area..
so what date is your birthday??
telegram from queen this time isn`t it..Yikes I`m
Chat soon i hope..
Ps couldn`t get any rock from b/pool all the shops were shut..xxxxxxx
)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. Posted Sep 4, 2003
hugged marc
hello sweetheart hows the work getting on in ur house ?
the builders have 2 come back well 2 redo the dinning room bcos they havnt done it right :O(
they r coming saturday so hopefully that will be the last time :O)
then its redecorating all of down stairs eerrmmmmm i may be finnished by christmas if iam lucky
hope u pam and the boys r fine sweetheart mmmwwaaahhhhh love jacqui
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. (Aug 19, 2003)
- 2: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Aug 19, 2003)
- 3: )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. (Aug 20, 2003)
- 4: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Aug 20, 2003)
- 5: )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. (Aug 21, 2003)
- 6: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Aug 21, 2003)
- 7: )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. (Aug 22, 2003)
- 8: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Aug 22, 2003)
- 9: )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend. (Sep 4, 2003)
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