This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
ur worst best friend :O)
WATERFALLS.AND.RAINBOWS Started conversation Jul 26, 2003
hugged hello marc sweetheart mwah
well ive sent u an e mail explaining how some times i can get on here other times system just boots me stright off
if that keeps happening i will e mail u more often (hope that wasnt a groan )
so when u becoming an ace ?
surely the amount of ppl u have helped on here u must have earned that badge now :O)
can u still access the pics from the h2g2 party u went 2 tried going back 2 lipstick/and/lace name 2 find link but cant even find that name anymore :O( ...speak soon sweetheart my love 2 u and well u know who else :O) take care luv jacqui xxx
ur worst best friend :O)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 26, 2003
HI babes
I know what it is like for you trying to get in here so if you like i will set up a site for you and email you a link that will take you directly to your new site with pictures and every thing on it like i did with Trish
I will have it ready before end of week for you then all i need to do then is add on links and pictures that you might like..
don`t worry if you didn`t understand any of that niether did
rgards being an ace i asked about it and was told i would make a good ace then i thought about what it involved and decided i am happy as i am i can help who I want when i want and now it is your turn.. thats < love> and < rose> i put space in to show you..
ur worst best friend :O)
hugged oh marc ur such a sweetheart thank u here goes with the rose hope it worked !!
iam not going 2 be able 2 get on at all 4 all of nexts week as i have 2 the whole of the down stairs of my house damp proofed yet again :O(
but well it has 2 be done so its no good grouching about it (i have but iam boring everyone ) ha ha ha
anyway i may send u the odd tex shock horror would give u a bell but i havnt ur new house number mines not changed but as i say wont have access 2 living room 4 a week
take care sweetheart jacqui xxxx( i want 2 try the heart thingy but guess what iam such a muppet forgotten how 2 do that ive a mind of a fish !! (dont u dare agree ha ha ha )
ur worst best friend :O)
grinned it worked marc the i mean and heres the heart
well i hope that shows up or iam going 2 look a muppet speak soon luv jacqui xxx
ur worst best friend :O)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 27, 2003
yeeeeeeah well done sweetheart if you want to know any others of the smileys just let me know < hug>
< kiss> the
< cool>
< thief>
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ur worst best friend :O)
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