This is the Message Centre for MostlyHarmlessGirl
Hi MostlyHarmlessGirl...
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation May 8, 2002
Just thought I'd stop by... Have a mufflewhump!
My name's Amy Pawloski (but you can call me Amy, or Amy P (there's a few Amys on here) or paperlady) and I'm an ACE, or Assistant Community Editor, and we help out new people, and try to make them feel welcome. Here's a couple of good places to check out, if you're just starting--
Thanks, Feisor, for this: Hints and Links for New Researchers (A719840)
Someplace you can meet a lot of different people very quickly! pheloxi just asks that, if you want to be signed up fairly quickly, you use the "become a member" here conversation: United Friends (A703126)
If you want to be able to tell very quickly when someone has posted a conversation to your space, you can subscribe to your space, and the conversation will show up in your most recent conversations list. Interested? Good Here's how you do it...
Down below the main portion of your space, but just above your journal, there is a set of three links. They look like this (except they are centered, and look like links):
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If you click on the center one, any new conversations will become visible to you the next time you go to your space. (You can subscribe to other people's spaces and to entries, too, and it works the same way.)
If you have any questions, about anything (well, maybe not *anything*--I'm not *that* smart) you can click on reply to talk to me in this thread, or you can click on my name up there in the subject box and you will be taken to my space, where you can learn what a mufflewhump is (since I gave you one at the very beginning
Hi MostlyHarmlessGirl...
jr52 (ting-a-) Posted May 8, 2002
Saw you in the who's online and wondered what a mostly harmless girl might be like. Sorry, but don't know what a marketing coordinator is and so can't form opinion.
Doesn't really matter, anyway.
Glad you found your way here and hope you enjoy your stay.
Hi MostlyHarmlessGirl...
MostlyHarmlessGirl Posted May 8, 2002
Y R U an April Fool?
7 & a bit years ago I went on my first date with my beloved other half (gawd I feel old sometimes) on April Fools Day. What an anniversary date?!
What's your April Fool story?
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Hi MostlyHarmlessGirl...
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