This is the Message Centre for sparkess

Snow White

Post 1


. smiley - smiley
.... Hi, have I got the right person?
.... You did send me a message in Ld
.... last night If so it was very nice
.... to hear from you. smiley - hug

..... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

Snow White

Post 2


hi ya marion
yes you got the right person,i saw you on the pp, but didnt really remember which person u are,got so many people on pp i get them all mixed up derr lol
anyway chat soon

Snow White

Post 3


hi ya marion
yes you got the right person,i saw you on the pp, but didnt really remember which person u are,got so many people on pp i get them all mixed up derr lol
anyway chat soon

Snow White

Post 4


. smiley - smiley
.... Same here, so many friends I lose
.... track of who's who, so now I have
.... a book with all the info down.
.... and still get mixed up. smiley - smiley
.... must be old age. smiley - smiley
...... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

Snow White

Post 5


hello hun
that book of yours is a good idea..might have to give that a go and im sure its not old age coz whats my excuse lol
chat soon

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