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chat LD..2..

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi kerry..yeah..smiley - laugh..from what i remember..alex was 4 yrs old when we went to thorpe park..not much he could go on there..that was the second time i'd been there..forgot about the first..with an ex b/f..&..his foster parents..spent most of the time in the bar..oh..was i smiley - grr..smiley - laugh..go to a theme park spend most of the time in the 'pub' wasn't as if he was much of a was the bloody foster parents..well...the male..he was a male chavanist pig!!..smiley - laugh..(wish i could u enjoyed yourself..

smiley - rose

chat LD..2..

Post 2


hello hun
thanks i had a good day,and i hired a car,so i enjoyed being back behind the wheel,miss my car the ex(the kids dad) took my car as an agreement that i keep all the contents of the house.when we split up,dont miss him just the car lol,sounds like your ex
was as bad as mine,i think now being a single mum is hard financially, but i dont have to worry about a third child(being the bloke) lol
anyway are you married?

chat LD..2..

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

one of my biggest regrets..not learning to drive..not that i could afford a car..if i could've been a single parent since alex was 2 mths old..(over 14 yrs)..never found it much of a problem..apart u..the finacial side of it..i was working part-time from 96-last september..just to clarify any was the foster father that was M.C.P..not ex b/f..he was ok..most of the

smiley - rose

chat LD..2..

Post 4


hello hun
sorry i dont know what m.c.p stands for lol.
yes ive worked since ive left school up untill i fell pregnant with michael,i enjoyed it but gave it up to look after him.but i was still with the father till at that point so had his income plus maternity leave,ive got a b/f at the moment and he lives 180 miles away so nothing serious at the mo.
im glad i passed my test about 5half years ago so the licence is always there if i can ever afford a car again,but its not too late for you to start taking your driving lessons,even if you can only afford one a week

chat LD..2..

Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi kerry..m.c.p=male chavanist pig..(that word i can't spell..nor couldn't afford 1 driving lesson a month..let alone a week..they are about each £20 now..i have had driving lessons in the past..&..used to drive ex b/f car..never took test..what job did u used to do?..

smiley - rose


Post 6


i know what you mean about the cash flow prb benefit dont really pay that much,just enough to scrape by,let alone luxurys.
i want to go to college to become a driving instuctor when the kids are at full time school but will cost a few grand just to be certified,but i will still try,ive wanted to do it for years.
ive had a few jobs but my last was in iceland supermarket,i was in charge
of morning goods,only been promoted a few months then found out was pregnanat and had to leave the boss was a bit peaved,but has said i can come back any time,so i know there will be some sort of job for me but it dont pay that much really.
but i find there is always gonna be the problem of whos gonna look after the kids while im at work, in summer hols etc,illnesses,its hard work to find employment that takes your kids into consideration lol

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