This is the Message Centre for sparkess


Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi kerry..
i've started a new thread..coz our box memory soon won't be able to access the original thread..smiley - smiley..for guideml..
click edit page..
click enter to move text down..
at the very top type in this..
(this opens entry
(this opens
your text should be immediately below this with no gaps..
go down your text til u reach the end type in this..
(this closes paragraph)
(this closes entry
go down to where it says..plain text/ Guideml..then click change style..then update entry..that should be it..there is more..but i've started u on very basic..hope u don't mind..smiley - smiley..

smiley - rose

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