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hello hun

Post 1


hi ya kerry i still cant work this thing out right
i cant find how you chat to people so i thought i would send you a text
well ive only just got of the fone to you and frank and chris are here im getting chong lmfao
im glad ive got some if you know wot i mean,
frank and chris are argueing about frank going to the deninst frank hates it his had some bad expreinces so i cant blame him really,i fell sorry for him really,anyway i thinking wot too chat about im hoping this will
send anyway im off
love mawhxxx

hello hun

Post 2


hello hun
yes it did send, and i have sort of worked it out
but still prefer our ld lol
anyway you can tell frank if he is that scared
he can go to a dentist that
puts him to sleep for any work, i will try get the no
for him
anyways chat tonite

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