This is the Message Centre for Ginger The Feisty


Post 1

Ginger The Feisty

DD and I had two appointments to look at places to hold the wedding yesterday. The first one was tacky and awful and the only reason anyone would ever pick it is because of the views over the avon gorge. The second though was perfect and it is all booked - date 9/9/00 - Neither of us can ever forget such an easy date either!


Post 2


So which one did you decide on, eh?


Post 3

Ginger The Feisty

Cadbury House at Congressbury near Bristol. It is very nice and is set in 15 acres of parkland. It looked good in and out so we are both happy!


Post 4


Oooh lovely!


Post 5

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I'm impressed Ginger - I've been engaged for nine months and we still haven't picked a date. The obvious advantage of this is that it allows us to avoid planning everything else. The disadvantage is it keeps us from actually getting married.


Post 6

Ginger The Feisty

Ah but I'm a demon when it comes to organising things so we pretty much picked the date the night we got engaged. We both agreed we wanted it to be as close to the one year anniversary of our engagement as we could get!

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