A Conversation for Cider

Never tasted good cider?

Post 1

Researcher 58695

Hm, 15 May 1999. I'm a bit late, but... who cares?

Isn't it sad you never had the chance to taste some real good cider?

OK, I can easily talk that way from Frankfurt/Main in Germany, where there are lots of good stuff. (Although we don't call it cider, but apple wine.) But once you drop in here by coincidence, you should help yourself to a glass of apple wine (or two or three etc.), and maybe you'll change your mind.

Then again, maybe not. smiley - smiley

Never tasted good cider?

Post 2

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

There's good cider in the UK too ... if you want to get drunk cheap surely even 15 year olds know that cheap sherry (aka British fortified wine) is the way to do it. Lager tastes revolting and is either lower in alcohol or much more expensive than cider.

Of course I just drink it for the taste...

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