This is the Message Centre for Bouncing Red Blob


Post 1

Researcher 178815

Hi Bouncing Red Blob, and welcome to h2g2! smiley - ok

My name's aka and I'm an Ace, or Assitant Community Editor - Good title, isn't it? smiley - biggrin

What one of my jobs is (the other being generally friendly, which I don't have a problem with - it comes naturally, you'll be pleased to know ) is to welcome new users to this great website as soon as I can find them and guide them on their way to understanding this great complex that is h2g2 - You'll get to understand it as you get slowly hooked, trust me smiley - cheers

If you notice the smiley icons in this post, you might want to learn how to write them Just click on any smiley you see and find out how to use them. When you like, you might add pictures and stuff in your personal space, using GuideML - You can find out how to code GuideML (it's very easy smiley - ok ) by clicking here: GuideML-Clinic

If you want a big list of links, you can search the guide, or check out my links page, which is at Entry number, A571899 Just click on it to be transported to it smiley - winkeye

You might like to read the introduction to h2g2, if you haven't already . Or, take the Welcome tour, read the Founder's Intro and Welcome message? Douglas Noel Adams, writer of the books and well, everything Hitch-hikers, is our founder and wrote a welcome message shortly after the launch of h2g2 in April 1999, which can be found by clicking here: welcome-DNA Maybe you just want to lie back and take in all the great entries in the guide? Just click on the h2g2 logo up there ^^ to be whisked away to the main page, where you can find today's (or the week-end's) entries

To create your own (you can write an article on what you think should be read about, or maybe just `this is my page devoted to the word "Wibble"! `page, click here: <./>UserEdit</.> )

I hope that sums it all up - If you need to call on some help, you can reply to this message (it's a rather simple system of communication we have here - just hit the reply button below a thread to reply to it, or the "discuss this entry" button below an entry to talk about it Does it get any easier? smiley - winkeye ) - or you could ask other Aces or Gurus (I'm also a Guru smiley - smiley )

Welcome to h2g2, Bouncing Red Blob! smiley - biggrin


Post 2

Researcher 178815

Right, and the links which should be in that message are as follows smiley - winkeye...

My name's aka and I'm an Ace, or Assitant Community Editor - Good title, isn't it?

What one of my jobs is (the other being generally friendly, which I don't have a problem with - it comes naturally, you'll be pleased to know ) is to welcome new users to this great website as soon as I can find them and guide them on their way to understanding this great complex that is h2g2 - You'll get to understand it as you get slowly hooked, trust me

If you notice the smiley icons in this post, you might want to learn how to write them Just click on any smiley you see and find out how to use them. When you like, you might add pictures and stuff in your personal space, using GuideML - You can find out how to code GuideML (it's very easy ) by clicking here: <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>

If you want a big list of links, you can search the guide, or check out my links page, which is at Entry number, A571899 Just click on it to be transported to it

You might like to read the introduction to h2g2, if you haven't already . Or, take the Welcome tour, read the Founder's Intro and Welcome message? Douglas Noel Adams, writer of the books and well, everything Hitch-hikers, is our founder and wrote a welcome message shortly after the launch of h2g2 in April 1999, which can be found by clicking here: welcome-DNA Maybe you just want to lie back and take in all the great entries in the guide? Just click on the h2g2 logo up there ^^ to be whisked away to the main page, where you can find today's (or the week-end's) entries

To create your own (you can write an article on what you think should be read about, or maybe just `this is my page devoted to the word "Wibble"! `page Go here: <./>UserEdit</.> )

I hope that sums it all up - If you need to call on some help, you can reply to this message (it's a rather simple system of communication we have here - just hit the reply button below a thread to reply to it, or the "discuss this entry" button below an entry to talk about it Does it get any easier? ) - or you could ask other Aces or Gurus (I'm also a Guru )

Welcome to h2g2!


Post 3

Bouncing Red Blob

Hi there! smiley - smiley

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