A Conversation for Robert Rankin - Author

Terry Pratchett

Post 1


Not only are they side-by-side in most bookshops, they also appear to read each others' books.

At least I remember seeing a quote from Pratchett on the back of one of the Brentford books, something to the effect of:

"...The only guy who can truly make me laugh out loud."

Terry Pratchett

Post 2


I have to say I find Pratchett can get a little twee and moralistic in places, but Rankin always makes my evil little west London heart swell with pride, so dark and so true is his wit.

smiley - ale

Terry Pratchett

Post 3


There is also Tom Holt - but who else?

Also I'm sorry, but you can grow out of Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

Post 4


Although I'm a dedicated (dessicated??) reader, I do find you really have to concentrate on the plot, I always feel knackered after finishing a book....perhaps that's why we love him

smiley - handbag VOODOO

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