A Conversation for The Bikers Rest

If you perk it they will come

Post 1


Nice shack. I guess I'll put on some smiley - coffee and hang out a while. Maybe my sportster out front will attract some passing bikers. If not, this is a cool place to relax and maybe meditate smiley - zen or just think about stuff. A guy can only ride so far on a sportster before parts of him need a break. It's not exactly a cross country seat on that thing.
I am thinking about taking my wife up to summerfest in Milwaukee this afternoon. Two hours up and two hours, of course, back. It will be a great ride if it doesn't rain but I'm not sure if I'm up to the crowd and the traffic when I get to the city. Better make sure I have my smiley - towel.
Maybe we will skip the party and head down to starved rock state park and look at the waterfalls. Wanna come?
smiley - peacedove

If you perk it they will come

Post 2


Where's the smiley - coffee
smiley - wow did we get soaked!!!
I'm glad it's warm in here even if I'm all alone.
We ended up hooking up with some friends and going to a town called Richmond and then to Lake Geneva.
Rain, rain, rain. I need to dry out. Is there a fire place in here somewhere?

If you perk it they will come

Post 3


Maybe if I perk it, they will not come.

If you perk it they will come

Post 4


Hi! Sorry I dozed off in the sun.

Kristina is the owner of the Biker's Rest and I'm sure she will be along in due course to welcome you in person. smiley - ok

what we could really do with as a proper Café thread, Kristina

If you perk it they will come

Post 5


Hi Caerwynn smiley - biggrin
I was beginning to think this place was desserted.
Pleased to meet you.

If you perk it they will come

Post 6


I don't think the regulars are subscribed to this thread, but this is where we were last gathering:


So that may wake a few more up.

If you perk it they will come

Post 7


Thanks smiley - ok

If you perk it they will come

Post 8


smiley - whistle

smiley - coffee

smiley - zen

If you perk it they will come

Post 9


smiley - yawn

If you perk it they will come

Post 10


smiley - whistle

If you perk it they will come

Post 11


I ran across a stories and poetry corner in this site a while ago.
A poem I found there looking for some company, you know.
Knowing not how to add one to it, I went to the discussion below.
Now "Road Conditions" is collecting limericks about biking so slow.
And fast and through mud and in ditches and gravel and snow.
Oh how I wish these poems could in the bright spotlight glow.
Burried in discussions, unseen, has got me feeling so low.
How to move them into the collection above is what I want to know.
Please tell me, my friends, what to do to get them into the show.

smiley - peacedove


If you perk it they will come

Post 12


Pray forgive me, my friend
At last your sorrow can end
I'll admit to being slow
but they're now up on show
Now, to what else do I need to attend?

smiley - cheers

If you perk it they will come

Post 13


Nice poem my friend

And thanks for the friendly reply

Obscurity comes to an end

And verse is beginning to fly

Bikers writing in rhyme?

That's different you have to agree

Will it start happening all of the time?

No telling, we'll just have to see

smiley - ok

smiley - peacedove


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